what time is 23:00
what is 11:00pm
what does NACCLES stand for
what is National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences
what is body temp
lavender top tube department
what is hematology
what is the root word for clot
what is thromb/o
what is 13:42 in am/pm
what is 1:42pm
what does CAP stand for
what is Collage of American Pathology
what is refrigerator temp
what is 2-8
what tube goes to blood bank
what is the pink top tube
what does Tachy mean
what is fast or rapid
what time is 2:34 pm
what is 14:32
what agency regulates blood born pathogens
what is Osha
what temperature is represented by -10 or less
freezer temp
what additive is in the blue top tube
what is sodium citrate
what med term means low or under
what is hypo
what is 6:35pm in military time
what is 18:35
what does NYSDOH do
what is regulation of sharps
what is room temp
what is 20-25
what department does the gold top tube belong to
what is chemistry
what does the prefix intra mean
what is within
what time is 00:00
what is 12:00am
what does the ASCP stand for and do
what is American society for clinical pathology provides certification.
what is incubator temp
what is 35-39
what color tubes go to the chemistry department
what is red, gold, green, gray
what is the root word for liver
what is hepat/o