This instrument's name contains 2 words, and you need to know them both.
What is crash cymbals?
This instrument has metal bars and no resonators.
What is Glockenspiel or bells?
This instrument has wooden bars and small resonators.
What is xylophone?
This instrument is named after its shape.
What is triangle?
This instrument is hit with a drum stick.
What is cowbell?
This instrument is big.
What is bass drum?
This instrument has metal bars and a pedal.
What is vibraphone?
This instrument has keys, and also can be considered a string instrument.
What is piano?
This instrument has a drum head and small cymbals.
What is tamborine?
These drums are tall, and often used in Latin music.
What are congas?
This instrument has a part that can be turned on and off.
What is snare drum?
This instrument has wooden bars and large resonators.
What is marimba?
This excerpt is played by a pitched percussion instrument.
What is vibraphone?
These instruments are shook to make sound.
What are maracas?
This instrument has a common drum name.
What is floor tom?
This excerpt is playing by a percussion instrument with a drum head.
What is tamborine?
This excerpt is played by a pitched percussion instrument.
What is bells of Glockenspiel?
This excerpt is played by a pitched percussion instrument.
What is bells or tubular bells?
This instrument is played by scraping it with a stick.
What is guiro?
This instrument is often pronounced incorrectly.
What is claves?
This excerpt is played by a pitched percussion instrument.
What is marimba?
This instrument is hit with rawhide hammers.
What is tubular bells?
This instrument is a drum with a flared bass.
What is Dejmbe?
These drums are large.
What is timpani?