What kind of creature is Percy Jackson's history teacher?
He is a centaur (has the body of half horse and half man).
Who gets kidnapped by Hades and has to spend part of every year in the underworld?
What is a satyr?
A creature that is half goat and half man
What did Kronos do to his father?
He chopped him up into pieces and threw him into the Underworld
What is a hydra?
A Hydra is a multi-headed serpent that grows two heads for every one that is cut off.
The god of messengers and thieves
What is Hermes?
Goddess of harvest and grains
What is Demeter?
Who won in the battle for Athens AND what gift did they give to Athens?
Who has snakes instead of hair and can turn people into stone?
What kind of creature has a lion's body and a man's head.
a sphinx
What does Zeus when he finds out that King Salmonius is pretending to be him?
He kills him and all the people who worshipped him.