Summarizing Sentences

Why is Percy going on a quest?

Percy is going on quest to find the missing lightning bolt. 


Put in your own words

"I remembered Chiron saying that my sword would always return to me, but there was no pen in my pocket."

Percy's sword wasn't returned to him.  It's not in his pocket.


"Grover kept snoring and bleating and waking me up.  Once, he shuffled around and his fake foot fell off.  Annabeth and I had to stick it back on before any of the passengers noticed."  

What are Annabeth and Percy doing?  Why?

Annabeth and Percy are putting Grover's fake foot back over his hoofs so that the other passengers don't notice that he doesn't have human feet.


Why can Percy breath underwater?

Percy can breath underwater because his dad is the god of the sea and so Percy has powers.


Put this in your own words

"We hadn't eaten since the night before in the dining car."

They had not eaten since last night.


“We started going up, inside the Arch. I’d never been in an elevator that went in a curve, and my stomach wasn’t too happy about it.”  

How is Percy feeling?

Percy's stomach is hurting, maybe he feels like he is going to throw up.


Why does Percy go to the Underworld?

Percy goes to the Underworld because he is looking for the lightning bolt.  He also wants to find his mom.


Put this in your own words 

"Look, I hate Ares as much as anybody, but you don't ignore the gods unless you want serious bad fortune." Said Annabeth.

You need to pay attention to the gods, otherwise bad things will happen to you.


“The waitress came back with heaping trays of food- cheeseburgers, fries, onion rings, and chocolate shakes.  Ares handed her a few gold drachmas.  She looked nervously at the coins. “But, these aren’t…” Ares pulled out his huge knife and started cleaning his fingernails. “Problem, sweetheart?” The waitress swallowed and left.”  

What do you think the waitress was about to say?  Why did she stop saying it? Why did she walk away?

The waitress was able to say that the coins weren't American money.  She stopped talking because Ares took out a knife and she was scared.  She walked away because she wanted to stay safe. 


Why are people surprised?

People are surprised because there is Zebra on the street.


Put it in your own words.

"You promised me information about my mother."  

"You sure you acn handle the news?" He kicked-started his motorcycle.  "She's not dead." Ares said.

Ares tells Percy that is mom isn't dead.

“The last two customers were paying their check, two men in identical black coveralls, with a white logo on their backs that matched the one on the KINDNESS INTERNATIONAL truck.  “If we’re taking the zoo express,” Grover said, “we need to hurry.”  

Why do they need to hurry?  What is Grover talking about?

They need to get in the truck fast because those are the drivers and they are about to come outside and get in the truck. 


Why does Percy like the Lotus Hotel in Las Vegas?

Percy likes the Lotus hotel becuase it has free games and food.


Put it in your own words.

I'd read somewhere that jumping into water from a couple of stories up was like jumping onto solid asphalt. 

If you jump in water from high up you might die.


“Just as Maurice was poking his head back inside to check out the noise, the zebra leaped over him and into the street. There was yelling and screaming and cars honking.  We rushed to the doors of the trailer in time to see the zebra galloping down a wide boulevard lines with hotels and casinos and neon signs.”  

Why are people yelling and screaming?

People are yelling and screaming becuase there is a Zebra in the middle of the road, which is not normal.