What is Poseidon's symbol?
A trident
Percy Jackson's father?
Who captured Percy's mother?
Who are Percy's two best friends?
Annabeth & Grover
What is the name of Percy's Step dad?
Who are the Big 3?
Zeus, Poseidon and Hades
Who is Auntie Em?
Which team won capture the flag? Blue team or red team?
Blue team
What helps Percy be able to read Greek?
His Dyslexia
What is Chiron?
What is Grover?
Daughter of Athena?
What is Percy's mother's name?
Who stole the master bolt?
Luke - son of Hermes
What is Percy Jackson's power?
Control Water
Camp for demi gods?
Camp Half Blood
What did Luke give to Percy, Annabeth, and Grover for the quest? (name both items)
Flying shoes and a shield
Who gave Percy a weapon?
What is Ms Dodds?
A Fury
Where is the location of Gods?
Empire State Building/Mount Olympus
Secret identity of Mr. Brunner?
The type of currency used by the gods is...?
Golden Drakamas
Who was the first monster Percy encountered?
A fury
Where is the location of the entrance to the Underworld?
Through the Hollywood Sign
Who did Medusa turn into stone (was a relative to Grover)?
Uncle Ferdinand