What was HEE HAW
When Noah got off the Ark and stepped onto land, what sign did God give that there would never again be a flood?
What is a RAINBOW
In the early 1950's, the new emerging type of popular music was called:
What is Rock-n-Roll
How would you describe an 'Indian summer'?
What are: heat waves which occur in the late fall
Palmolive soap helped you "keep that school girl ______"
Who recorded two of his best selling albums in prison?
Hint: initials J.C.
Who was Johnny Cash
what instrument did David, the shepherd boy, play? (David who slew the giant, Goliath!)
What is the harp or lyre
Elvis Presley's first big hit in 1956 was called, Heartbreak ___________?
What is HOTEL
Although some varieties are available year round, what fruit is freshest in the fall?
What are apples
which soap was 99 and 44/100% pure?
This Hank Williams song was released after his death: Your Cheatin' ___________
What is HEART
How many days did Jesus fast in the desert?
What is 40
Leaf peeping season brings in roughly how much tourism $ to New England? $2 million, $5million or $3 billion
What is $3 billion!!
What brand of paint "covers the earth"?
What is Sherwin-Williams
Which American city is considered the Country Music Capital of the World?
What is Nashville
How many days was Jonah in the belly of the Big Fish (or Whale)? Was it 1, 3, 5, or 7?
What was three
Doo-wop was a 50's musical genre. Name two aspects of this music:
What are 1) use of nonsensical words like doo & wop 2) blending vocal harmonies with a simple beat and sometimes no instrumentation....(actually began in the 1940's)
True or False: Children born in the Fall are better students and live longer than children born in summer, spring or winter
The trademark of a cigarette company with a bell boy calling out was _________________?
What is Phillip Morris.
Which country singer was known as "The Singing Brakeman"?
Who was Jimmie Rogers
Which piece of clothing made Joseph's brothers extremely jealous? His belt, his coat, or his hat?
What was his coat
'The Day the Music Died' referred to what accident/ death of which artists?
Buddy Holly & The Crickets had popular hit singles including "That'll Be the Day" before a fatal plane crash on Feb. 3, 1959 killed Holly, The Big Bopper and Richie Valens.
How many Federal holidays are there during this fall?
What are Four: They are Columbus Day, Election Day, Veterans Day and Thanksgiving
A shaving cream advertised with a series of signs along the highway was _______ _______?
What is Burma Shave