Why- ish

Which son of Shaul’s did Avner crown king?

Ish Boshes


Please explain why burying the dead is considered a חסד של אמת.

Because they can't pay you back


Which city does Hashem tell Dovid to go to?



What did the people of Yehuda inform Dovid about in ‘פסוק ד?

THat the people of Yaveish Gilad buried Shaul


Which shevet did Shaul’s son never rule over?



If Dovid brought his men with him to Israel, why did they settle in adjacent cities?

they were too many to comfortably settle there together        or

he didn’t want to intimidate the people of chevron with his large group of soldiers, but he was still assuming responsibility for them so he kept them nearby


(Malbim) Dovid tells the people of Yaveish Gilad that just like they were Moser Nefesh for Shaul, he will be moser nefesh to

defend them from possible plishti retaliations


 What was Avner’s position, and who’s side was he on?

General for Shaul's side


In ‘פסוק ד, who anointed Dovid king?

Anshei Yehuda


Why did the people inform Dovid about this?

(this= that the people buried shaul)

The informers wanted to praise the people of yaveish gilad for the tremendous chesed shel emes they did for shaul.  or

they had a bad intent and told dovid assuming he'd be upset with the people who buried shaul


 Please list Avner’s 2 different intentions in appointing a new king:

1) Lishem Shamayim

2) to embarrass Dovid by delaying his kingship


What was the Life Lesson we learn from Dovid bringing his men along with him to Israel?

When things go well for you in life, don’t forget about the people who helped you along the way


Hakaras Hatov/ gratitude


Who did Dovid bring with him back to Israel?

1) His wives /family

2) His men/soldiers

(need one from each line)


 Why did Avner crown Shaul’s son king?

Avner based his actions on a pasuk in which Hashem promised Yaakov that “Kings” would descend from a shevet not yet born.  At that time, Binyomin was the only son of yaakov not yet born.  Since there had been only one king from binyomin so far, and “Kings” is plural, Avner anointed Shaul's son as a king.


 According to the pasuk, how many years did each king rule for?

2 years & 7.5 years

(sorry for the ugly number)


What do we learn from Dovid bringing his family with him right away to Israel?

Dovid wanted to make sure he could continue guiding his children’s chinuch


The fact that Dovid brought his family with him immediately shows his complete bitachon in Hashem


Who are Dovid's 2 wives? (in our pasuk)

Avigail & Achinoam


In ’פסוק ה why does Dovid repeat “with your master, with shaul”? Wouldn’t saying one of those phrases be enough?

Dovid was pointing out that burying Shaul was the correct thing for the people to do for 2 reasons: He was their King, and so he was deserving of their respect.  And second, Shaul in his own merit was deserving of their respect


Please give one answer to explain the discrepancy of 5.5 years in the psukim that list how long each king ruled.

 Ish Boshes ruled for 2 years over everyone except shevet yehuda, which concluded when he died.  5.5 years later, the rest of bnei yisrael accept dovid as their king               or 

Ish boshes ruled for five and a half years over the cities specified in pasuk tes, slowly gaining support. And then he ruled for 2 years over all of eretz yisrael (except for the land of yehuda.)


What is one Life Lesson we can learn from Dovid’s question in our first pasuk?

to appreciate and yearn for the kedusha and the mitzvah to live in eretz yisrael.


It’s important to seek Daas Torah on various life decisions
