Present Perfect vs. Present Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect vs. Past Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect Continuous vs. Past Perfect Continuous
Non-perfect tenses!

He ________ (read) every book in the library, or so he claims.

He has read every book in the library several times, or so he claims.


I _______ (never, enjoy) English grammar until I took Graham's class!!

I had never enjoyed English grammar until I took Graham's class!!


We ______________ (watch) this show for days, but we still don't know how it will end!

We have been watching this show for days, but we still don't know how it will end!


She ________ (practice) the piano every day, but she still isn't very good...

She practices the piano every day, but she still isn't very good...


What is another name for H2O?



I think the cat _________ (eat) food from the fridge every night recently, but I can't prove it.

I think the cat has been eating food from the fridge every night recently, but I can't prove it.


I _______ (clean) my apartment for hours now; I really need a break...

I've been cleaning my apartment for hours now; I really need a break...


She ________ (practice) the piano for hours, but she couldn't get the piece right.

She had been practicing the piano for hours, but she couldn't get the piece right.


I _______ (have) a really cool Wolverine action figure when I was a kid. I wonder where it went...

I had a really cool Wolverine action figure when I was a kid. I wonder where it went...


How many teeth does the average adult have?

(Include wisdom teeth!)



I ________ (never, want) to become an astronaut because I'm scared of aliens.

I've never wanted to become an astronaut because I'm scared of aliens.


Everything was wet since it ___________ (rain) for hours.

(Be careful to choose the one that will be more common!)

Everything was wet since it had been raining for hours.


We _______ (walk) for hours...can't we take a break?

We've been walking for hours...can't we take a break?


I _______ (head) to the theater to see the new Spy Kids movie; _________ (you, want) to come with?

I'm heading to the theater to see the new Spy Kids movie; do you want to come with?


Spell Graham's last name!



I ________ (feel) a little sick for the last few minutes; I think I should go home.

(Use the more informal option!)

I've been feeling a little sick for the last few minutes; I think I should go home.


My brother decided to skip the movie because he ______ (see) it twice already.

My brother decided to skip the movie because he had seen it twice already.


Maria _________ (visit) Turkey regularly for the past few years.

Maria has been visiting Turkey regularly for the past few years.


I usually _______ (work) in the morning, but I _______ (cover) the night shift this week because someone's out sick.

I usually work in the morning, but I'm covering the night shift this week because someone's out sick.


Which one of these keys is E flat? (Get up and point!)

The second black key from the left.


Things have been getting pretty serious with the girl I ________ (see) recently. I think I might propose soon.

(This isn't the usual use of "see!")

Things have been getting pretty serious with the girl I've been seeing recently. I think I might propose soon.


I ______ (search) for my keys for hours before I finally found them. Apparently I ______ (left) them on top of my car when I got home from the grocery store.

I had been searching for my keys for hours before I finally found them. Apparently I had left them on top of my car when I got home from the grocery store.


My mom only agreed to buy me a Gamecube because I ______ (beg, contantly) for a month. I _______ (play) it every day since.

My mom only agreed to buy me a Gamecube because I had been constantly begging for a month. I have been playing it every day since.


While we ______ (have) lunch, someone ______ (knock) on the door. What an annoying interruption!

While we were having lunch, someone knocked on the door. What an annoying interruption!


What's this character's name?

Linus (van Pelt)
