Dimensional Motion
Projectile Motion
Newton's Laws, Forces
Work, Energy and Power

An athlete leaves the base camp and hikes 10 km, north and then hikes 5 km east. Determine his resulting displacement.

11.2Km NE


The horizontal acceleration of projectile is ALWAYS



Which of the following measurements is NOT a Scalar?

Time Speed Distance Displacment



A ball rolls off a table. If the ball rolls off with twice the velocity, the time it takes to hit the floor _________ and the distance traveled horizontally _________.

Is the same, doubled


What is the average acceleration of an object that changes its velocity from 10 m/s to 30 m/s in 5 seconds?



Which of the following is an example of two-dimensional motion with constant acceleration?

A car moving on a straight road

A ball thrown at an angle

A pendulum swinging back and forth

A rocket launching into space


Which of the following is a mathematical prediction about changes to initial conditions for horizontal projectiles?

Increasing horizontal velocity increases range

Increasing horizontal velocity decreases time of flight 

increasing height decreases range

Increasing height increases time of flight


A 5000kg truck and a 1000kg car are travelling at constant speeds and then collides. What is true about the Forces and acceleration on each?

Since they are moving with a constant velocity, the Forces on each of them are equal. But the 1000kg car will have greater acceleration since it has less mass.


Egg A is dropped from a height of 1m onto the floor. Egg B is  dropped from a height of 1m into a bucket of water. Which  statement correctly describes why Egg B does not break?

Egg B experiences less force over a longer time.


how much work is done when a force of 50 newtons is used to move an object a distance of 20 meters in the direction of the force?

1000 joules


Consider a ball thrown up from the surface of tl1e earth into the air at an angle of 30° above the horizontal. Air friction is negligible. Just after the ball is released, its acceleration is:

Downwards at 9.8 m/s


A football was kicked toward the goal. The horizontal component of velocity was 10 m/s  and the vertical component was 7 m/s . What is the magnitude of the resultant velocity of the soccer ball?

12 m/s


Kids were playing with balls which are of equal mass. They kicked them with different forces. Which one accelerated more?

Red ball – 10N

Blue ball – 3N

Yellow ball - 5N

Red ball since force and acceleration are directly related.


What is an object's change in momentum equal to?

the impulse acting on the object


A spring with a spring constant of 200 N/m is compressed by 0.1 meters. How much potential energy is stored in the spring?

1 joule


If a 15kg ball takes five seconds to strike the ground when released from rest, at what height was the ball dropped?



A ball is thrown horizontally from a 10-meter-high cliff with an initial velocity of 15 m/s. How far from the base of the cliff does the ball land?

The ball lands approximately 22 meters away from the base of the cliff.


A man is whirling a 0.5 kg ball on a 1.0 m long string at 2 m/s.  What is true about the force on the ball?

It pulls in, towards the center of the circle


In a billiards game, one player hits the cue ball towards another ball. The cue ball has a mass of 0.1kg and hits the other ball with a velocity of 2m/s. If the collision is completely elastic and the cue ball travels with a velocity of 0.8m/s after the collision, what is the mass and velocity of the other ball?

2.8m/s, 0.043kg


A semi-truck carrying a trailer has a total mass of 1500kg. If it is traveling up a slope of 5∘ to the horizontal at a constant rate of 20m/s, how much power is the truck exerting?

g=10 m/s^2



How far will an object travel after ten seconds if it is dropped into a bottomless pit?



A ball is kicked with an initial velocity of 12m/s at angle of 50° to the horizontal.

How long will the ball stay in the air (assume it strikes the ground at the same height it was launched)

1.47 seconds


An African elephant can reach heights of 13 feet and possess a mass of as much as 6000 kg. Determine the weight of an African elephant in Newtons and in pounds. (Given: 1.00 N = .225 pounds)

58800 N or 13230 lb


Two sumo wrestlers are in a match. At the start of the match, they both lunge at each other. They hit and miraculously come to a stand still. One wrestler was 200kg and traveling at a velocity of 2.3 m/s at the instance of collision. If the other wrestler was traveling at 2.9 m/s, what is his mass?



An upward force is applied to lift a 20kg bag a to a height of 5m. The bag is lifted at a constant speed. What is the work done on the bag?

