a set of processes and managerial behaviors that include defining, monitoring, measuring, evaluating, and providing consequences for performance expectations
Performance Management
What process is this?
1. Set Goals
2. Promote Goal Commitment
3. Provide Support and Feedback
4. Create action plans
The Goal setting Process
Measuring, Tracking, or otherwise Verifying Progress and Ultimate Outcomes
Monitoring Performance
Behavior with favorable consequences tends to be repeated, and behavior with unfavorable consequences tends to disappear.
Law of effect
What Process is this?
1.Defining performance
2.Monitoring and evaluating performance
3.Reviewing performance
4. Providing consequences
Performance management process
1. Write your goals down
2. Identify Key obstacles
3. Ask what's in it for you
Tips for increasing goal success
What are these?
1. Be transparent
2. Monitor Work Only
3. Focus on Development
4. Make it Fit and Fair
Tips to consider when monitoring performance at work
automatic reactions to stimuli, or stimulus-response (S-R)
Respondent Behavior
These are the common uses of what?
1. Performance Ratings
2. Feedback
3. Performance improvement plans
Common uses of Performance management
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results Oriented, and Time Bound.
The SMART acronym that you should apply to your goals.
The process of comparing performance at some point in time to a previously established goal or expectation.
Evaluating Performance
Behaviors that are learned and occur when we “operate on” the environment to produce desired consequences
Operant Behavior
What goes _____ with performance management?
1. Only 20% of Employees feel their performance is managed in a way that motivates them
2. Only 29% of employees feel that their PM is fair
3. Only 26% feel that their PM is accurate
What goes wrong with performance management
Boosts motivation to achieve any particular goal.
Goal Commitment
Individuals compare perceptions of their own performance with behaviorally specific (and usually anonymous) performance information from their manager, subordinates, and peers
360-Degree Feedback
The process of strengthening a behavior by contingently presenting something appealing
Positive reinforcement
Why do companies do so _______ with PM?
1. Feedback is rare
2. Lack of clarity on how to improve
3. Manager Bias
Why do companies do so poorly with PM?
Something employers can do to help employees achieve their goals
Provide Support and Feedback
Compensation for performance is an example of what?
An effective reward
The process of weakening behavior through either the contingent presentation of something displeasing or the contingent withdrawal of something positive