Non Negotiables
The classroom/studio
Performing Arts games
Studio Language

If I throw these items across the room, I will get a call home! What are the items?

What is Props, Fidgets, chairs, Materials, etc...?


The black chairs are located here. What part of the studio is this called?

What is the Audience.


Making jokes in the hallway helps me get into class faster. True or False

False: Talking will make us have to repeat transitions over and over.


The games that we play in performing arts are optional. True of False?

False: Everyone participates in everything.


Piano means talk really loud. Yes or No?

NO! Its means whisper, or talk softly.


If (Student A) gets frustrated during a fun game or activity and pushes (Student B) down. What happens to Student A?

What is Referral and a call home?


I stand in this place as soon as I enter the studio. Where am I?

What is The stage?


I am so excited to see Ms Pia. I'm going to jump out of line and run up to her and hug her and ask her to go to the bathroom and for a bandage. This is the perfect time to do that right before class. True of False?

False: Wait until we get class started to raise my hand and wait for Ms Pia to call on me.


If I'm playing a game in performing arts it is ok to scream as loud as I can because I'm excited. Yes or No?

No! Never scream in performing arts.


When Ms Pia says "Feet Feet", This means when should start dancing and laughing with friends. True or False.

False: It's a call to attention that we do before we enter Performing Arts class.


If I need to use the bathroom and I yell out "MISS PIA I GOTTA USE IT!!!" She will definitely let me go! True of False? 

FALSE. Silent bathroom sign is best or raising my hand and waiting to be called on.


The colorful rug is located in this part of the studio. Where is it?

What is backstage? 


The hallway is a perfect place to show off my dance moves and cartwheels. True or false.



If I lose a game. I should scream and yell and storm out of class because I'm mad. True or False?

False: Raise your hand and ask Ms Pia for a break.


Vocal Rest means: Show off my best singing and vocal skills at this very moment. True or False

False: Vocal Rest means Voices off.


This is the 5th non negotiable.

What is "Purposely Peeling posters, or stickers off of the wall!" 


This is the part of the classroom I go to if Ms Pia says I need it.

What the calming corner?

We see our favorite teacher in the hallway while waiting to enter performing arts. We should definitely scream and jump and down and run up to our favorite teacher in the hallway. Yes or No? Why?

No! Its level 0 in the hallway unless we are doing the "feet feet chant" or a call to attention


Where do we stand for performing arts games?

A. Back Stage on the rug?

B. We move the chairs and make space

C. There not enough room 

D. On the stage in the middle of the studio

D. On the stage in the middle of the studio.


Forte means I can talk really loud! True of False

True: Forte means loud


(Student A) Doesn't like (Student B's) dance moves and laughs and points during performing. What is Student A doing to student B?

What is Bullying, making fun of or teasing?


I sneezed and need tissue. What part of the classroom is this called?

Where is down stage right?

Running in the hall is acceptable if I really need to go to the bathroom. True or false

False: Speed walking only if its a bathroom emergency.


We stand in a square on stage for Performing Arts games.

True or False?

False: We stand in a circle.


My stage spot (Sticker on the floor) has a different number than my chair numer.

True or False.

False: Chairs and stickers on the floor have the same numbers!
