Pre-Columbian Arrival
Those That Settled
The American Experiments Part I
The American Experiments Part II
The American Experiments Part III
Cultivation of this crop supported economic development and social diversification among societies in the Americas
What is maize?
three primary MeseoAmerican civilizations
Who are the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas?
Sweet, but easy to sour. This crop brought the Portuguese to the New World
What is sugarcane?
"The eyes of all people are upon us" and "We must consider that we shall be as a City upon a Hill" are some of the famous words of this man
Who is John Winthrop?
term used to mean the ownership of human beings as property
What is chattle slavery?

Three dominant economic activities of the time

What are Agriculture, Hunting-gathering, and Fishing-gathering?


Arch enemy of Montezuma, this God-man came and conquered

Who is Hernan Cortez?

Pocahontas' husband would come up with this smoky idea, which forced the early colonist to adopt this crop
What is tobacco?

believing that no covenant of works could save man, but the idea that they could have an intimate and personal relationship with God forced this rebel to leave Massachusetts Bay

Who is Anne Hutchinson?


religious fervor that could not be denied would help lead to King Philip's War

What is the Great Awakening?


Comprised of the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondaga, Cayuga, and the Seneca, this nation would develop societies with a mixed agricultural and hunter-gatherer economy which would lead to the development of permanent villages.

What is the Iroquois Nation?

This small thing was able to do what the Europeans were unable to do with horses and guns
What is smallpox?
Named after this Virgin Queen, a royal proclomation was issued to bring those that left back into the fold of the empire
What is Virigina?

unable to bring the people under his control due to his authoritarian style. This Anglican loving man was deposed during the 1689 Boston Revolt of the Dominion of New England

Who is Sir Edmund Andros?

William and Mary brought forth the restoration colonies through this event
What is the Glorious Revolution?

This area of the New World would first be settled by the French. Competition would force the local Native American tribes to take sides on who would be a superior neighbor 

What are the Great Lakes region?

John Smith, John Rolfe, and Pocahontas all played important parts in the survival and establishment of this kingly city
What is Jamestown?
unable to find a home with Protestant Virigina, this man would lead relocation that would also cause some issues in the 1990s
Who is Lord Baltimore?
Taxation, forced inspections, and dominion over the naval trade of the colonies were the goals of these laws
What are the Navigation Laws?
thousands of deaths on this perlious trip for the sweetner in your cup of tea
What is the Middle Passage

In response to the Lutheran's and Calvinist, this event was triggered, which led to a new monastic and missionary order that would transform the new world in the decades to come.

What is the Counter-Reformation?

state-assisted manufacturing, this form of economics will force European countries to find the resources needed to satisfy the wants of the people?
What is mercantilism?

this trial would pit the royal governor versus this truth telling gentlemen. Would be one of the first examples of truth to power in the colonies 

What is the Zenger Trial?

the fact that William Berkeley sat atop the social pyramid in Virginia really smoked this man who lost power when the House of Burgesses conspired against the landless freemen
Who is Nathaniel Bacon?
largest of the slave uprisings in the mainland colonies, this river showed how hard it was to take the white man out
What is the Stono Rebellion?