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This battle in 1777 helped to persuade France and Spain to support America’s pursuit of independence from Britain.

What is the Battle of Saratoga?


This Mohawk leader in New York hoped to create an Indian confederacy lying between Canada and the new US. 

Who is Joseph Brant?


This prohibited slavery in the Old Northwest. 

What is the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?


One who was killed in the Boston Massacre was this person, a sailor of mixed Indian-African-white ancestry. This person would be remembered as the "first martyr" of the American Revolution 

Who was Crispus Attucks?


These were arguments for liberty presented to New England's courts and legislatures after the revolution. 

What are freedom petitions? 


Part of Britain’s motivation for passing this act was to offer religious protection to the recently conquered French Canadian inhabitants as a trade-off for gaining their loyalty on political questions of governance and rule.

What is the Quebec Act? 


To finance the war, Congress issued hundreds of millions of dollars in paper money, called "Continentals" resulting in this? 

What is inflation and/or over 30 riots resulting from tension over prices?


Many felt that this event was the last straw in demonstrating the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. 

What is Shays' Rebellion?

This radically altered Massachusetts law by curtailing town meetings and allowing for appointments, rather than election of lawmakers. 

What are the Coercive/Intolerable Acts?


This event resulted in a response of a federal response of at least 10 K troops in 1794. 

What is the Whiskey Rebellion? 


Controversy over these inspired the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which forbids general search warrants in the United States of America. 

What are writs of assistance?


In this colony nearly the entire prewar elite opposed independence, fearing that severing the tie with Britain would lead to rule by the “rabble” and to attacks on property. After the war, a vacuum of political leadership opened the door for the rise of new pro-independence leaders. 

What is Pennsylvania? 


The delegation from this state to the Constitutional Convention had a plan for a strong central government and a two-house legislature apportioned by population.

What is Virginia? (Virginia Plan)


This was a key Loyalist response to Paine's Common Sense.

What is a Plain Truth?


These are 2 weaknesses of the AOC.

What are ....various responses acceptable...


Proponents of this idea claimed that although trade regulation was a legal means for Parliament to raise revenue, direct internal taxes such as the Stamp Act were an illegitimate extension of parliamentary power.

What is "no taxation without representation?"


Between 1777 and 1804, every state north of Maryland took steps toward emancipation, the first time in recorded history that legislative power had been used for such a purpose. This was the first state to outlaw slavery.

What is Vermont?


To generate support for the Constitution, these 3 men composed a series of eighty-five essays that appeared in newspapers under the pen name Publius and were gathered as a book, The Federalist.

Who are Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay?


Jefferson's arguments in the Declaration of Independence borrowed heavily from from John Locke who argued that the violation of this destroyed the legitimacy of authority.

What is the social contract?


This led to the establishment of the annuity system between the US government and numerous Native American groups.

What is the Treaty of Greenville or the Battle of Fallen Timbers? 


One of the grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence was that the British enlisted the aid of these people in hostilities with the Americans. 

Who are Native Americans, whom Jefferson called "savages?" 


This was a legal doctrine whereby, upon marriage, a woman's legal rights and obligations were subsumed by those of her husband. 

What is coverture? 


This "other minded" state was the last to ratify the Constitution. 

What is Rhode Island?

At its low point, Washington's army had dwindled from 28,000 to 3,000. To regain momentum, Washington decided to launch a surprise attack on Hessians here. 

Where is Trenton, NJ? (On Dec 26, 1776) 


These are two of the "compromises" over slavery embedded in the Constitution. (must explain the compromise and which article it is in) 

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