favorite season
half birthday
march 26
who is my favorite sibling
spread my business
what is my favorite position
marks my downfall
october 27
how many kids do i want
2 twin girls
boba lover
what is my favorite thing to bake
banana bread
when did i hookup with ***** post break up
november 24
what is something i do when i am annoyed or anxious
play with my hair/ear (both answers can be correct)
my starbucks homie
my top 2 artists right now
radiohead & ethel cain
broke no contact
september 19
where do i want my next piercing
i don't really want one
his second biggest fan
where do i want to go on vacation
when did i dye my hair black
january 14
biggest regret
getting with ******
confronted him for unfollowing me