These were the 3 Republican presidents during the 1920s.
Who are Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover?
What is "Black Tuesday and Thursday".
Author of "The Great Gatsby" as a criticism of 1920s culture. Peak Lost Generation behavior.
Who is F. Scott Fitzgerald?
Jazz Musician best known for his prominence in the Harlem Renaissance and for making "What a Wonderful World"
Who is Louis Armstrong?
This was a staple in nearly every U.S. home by the end of the 1920s, contributing to the standardization of U.S. entertainment and news, more people were informed and involved politically.
What is the radio?
This happens in Gym class and when everybody tries to pull their money out of a bank at once, creating a panic.
What is a Bank Run?
What are the MAIN causes of WWI?
Cutting their hair short into bobs, smoking and dancing in public, being more free and liberated. This women's subculture in the 1920's shares a name with the 2013 app that took the world by craze moving a bird through pipes.
Flappers (flappy bird)
This cause many people to immigrate west, caused by overproduction and soil degradation. Where the nickname "Okies" comes from.
What is the Dust Bowl?
What is "peace without victory"
What was the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?
The first "talkie", a movie that had actual sound and was not silent.
What is The Jazz Singer?
Wilson's Fourteen Points primarily supported the idea of lasting peace. Many of the points focused on: trade equality, ending of secrete treaties, and alliances, freedom of the seas, and the establishment of the League of Nations.
This was the case involving the first amendment and the Espionage act, a trial that established limits on free speech during war time.
What is Schenk vs US?