Pre-Colombian Societies and Columbian Exchange
Indigenous/European Relations
Slavery in early European colonies
Settler life in the colonies

This illness more than any other is understood as the cause of mass indigenous death as part of the Columbian Exchange

What is smallpox? 


This Spanish labor system in the Americas forced Indigenous people to work for and pay tribute to Spanish colonists

What was the encomienda system? 


This part of the South Atlantic Trade System brought captured Africans to the Caribbean and eventually N. America

What was the Middle Passage? 

This outpost, established in 1607, became the first permanent English colony as it grew into what is now known as Virginia.

What is Jamestown? 


An economic policy in which the colonies were to provide raw materials to the parent country of growth and profit of the parent country



This food crop was the main staple food of the Americas, and was spread across the Atlantic and around the world as part of the Columbian Exchange

What is maize? (corn)


Of all the European nations who encountered American Indians, this one enjoyed probably the most cordial relationship through mutual understanding and gift-giving.

What is France? 


A key event in Virginia that set into motion the idea that black Africans were to be "permanent slaves" in order to drive a wedge between them and the poor white population.

What is Bacon's Rebellion?


This joint stock company was created with the intent of establishing the first permanent English settlement in the "New World" 

What was the Virginia Company? 


This strict religious sect of Protestants settled in the New England colonies and inflicted harsh punishment on those they saw as straying from God's work

Who were the Puritans? 


This Aztec capital where modern-day Mexico City is was conquered by Hernan Cortes with the help of Native allies and the spread of disease

What is Tenochtitlan? 


This Wampanoag leader organized a confederacy of Native American tribes against the English settlers of Massachusetts in 1675

Who was Metacom / King Philip? (credit for either)


This writer and abolitionist survived the Middle Passage and enslavement and wrote about his experiences

Who was Olaudah Equiano?


This religious movement in the British colonies was ignited by the itinerant preachers George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards

What is the Great Awakening? 


The primary staple crops produced in the "bread basket" middle colonies included

Wheat, oats, barley


This nation occupying the area from Southern Mexico, to parts of Honduras and El Salvador developed sophisticated astronomy and mathematics and one of the most accurate calendar systems in human history

Who are the Maya? 


The year of Bacon's Rebellion

What is 1676?


In this year the White Lion ship sold the first "20 and some" enslaved Africans in British North America

What is 1619?


This 1620 agreement was a legal instrument that bound the Pilgrims together when they arrived in New England and was one of the earliest democratic compacts

What is the Mayflower Compact? 


English laws passed in the 1650's that required certain English colonial goods be shipped through English ports on English ships manned primarily by English sailors

What were the Navigation Acts? 


This confederacy of Five Nations (The Mohawk, The Oneida, The Onondaga, The Seneca, and The Cayuga) dominated most of upstate New York and Canada.

Who are the Iroquois? 


This uprising against Spanish colonial rulers in modern-day New Mexico in 1680 was the only successful Native uprising against a colonizing power in North America

What was the Pueblo Revolt? 


This was the first major rebellion of enslaved people in the South. In it, enslaved people attempted to get to Spanish Florida. The rebellion resulted in further restrictions on enslaved people

What was the Stono Rebellion? 


This system of granting 50-100 acres of land to one who paid for the import of an indentured servant to Virginia during the 1600s added to the wealth/economic power of the plantation owners but left little to those servants who eventually became free.

What is the headright system? 


This type of very dark, fertile anthropogenic soil found in the Amazon Basin is a product of indigenous land management systems and is highly fertile and self-sustaining

What is terra preta? 
