Wound Healing
Enviornmental Cleaning
Post-Anesthesia Care

Examples of this type of wound, also known as a Class 1, would be breast & eye surgery, and non-truamatic neuro, ortho, and vascular surgery. 

What is a clean wound? 


This is the process of determining the reasons for an event and if/why an established process was changed. 

What is Root Cause Analysis? 


These are the conditions in which people are born, live, worship, work, and play, These conditions often determine a patient's clinical outcomes.

What are social determinants of health?


This is one of the most important and crucial things we can do to prevent the spread of infection. Should be done before, after, and throughout the shift.  

What is Hand Hygiene?


This determines the phase/level of care a patient recieves in PACU. 

What is the type of anesthesia given? 


This type of suture resists enzymatic activity and provides long-term tissue support. 

What are non-absorbable sutures? 


Not obtaining this before surgery could be considered assult & battery. 

What is Informed Consent? 


This is on of the leading causes of death. It must be assessed during pre-op assessments. It may happen because our patients experience chronic pain, depression, and poor prognosis. If found on assessment, it must be reported immediately. 

What is suicide? 


This should be done every day before the first case. Often done by the nurse to get rid of particals on the top flat surfaces of the OR. 

What is dusting? 


During this phase of care in the PACU, the focus is on in-home care and discharge.

What is phase 2? 


This type of closure heals via granulation tissue. It involves tissue loss, debridement, and scare formation. 

What is Secondary Intention? 


It is considered this when the nurse did not follow the standard of care or care was not that of a reasonable, prudent nurse, in a similar situation. 

What is Breach of Duty? 


The use of this protocol leads to faster recovery times, shortened hospital stays, and a significant decrease in post-op complications. Daily double if you can name the key elements of it. 

What is ERAS protocol? What is pt/family education, multimodal analgesia, optimization of pt's condition prior to admission, return to diet & normal activity day of surgery, & minimal fasting pre-op.


This should be done at least every 24 hrs, after the last case of the day.

What is terminal cleaning? 


It is called this when the pt bypasses phase 1 care and goes straight to phase 2 care. 

What is fast-tracking? 


These are the 4 stages of wound healing. 

What is... Hemostasis, Inflammation, Proliferation, & Remodeling. 


This is a patient safety event that results in death, permanent harm, or severe temporary harm. Daily Double if you name some examples. 

What is a Sentinel Event? Ex. Surgical Fires, wrong site surgery, blood transfusion errors, unintended retained foreign object


These factors help determin a patient's surgical risk. 

What is the pt's baseline medical condition, hx of current disease, and anticipated changes to baseline due to surgery. 


These are the general principals of cleaning the OR. 

What is cleaning from top to bottom, from less-soiled to dirty areas? 


This is the scale used to decide if a pt meets discharge from phase 1. Daily double for the score the pt needs to meet. 

What is the Aldret scale? What is 9 or 10? 


These are all factors effecting healing. 

What is pre-exisiting condition, sterile technique, age, nutritional status, immune system response, post-op care, tissue handling/closure quality, respiratory/circulation status, & hemostasis methods. 


This type of malpractice refers to the shared responsibilities of the surgical team and hospital. 

What is secondary nursing malpractice? 


This is normal for patients to experience before any surgery, but it may complicate things as it can lead to hypertension, nausea, vommiting, impaired wound healing, decreased immune system, and an increased risk for MI and Stroke. 

What is Pre-Op Anxiety? 


These are links in the chain of infection. 

What is Reservoir, portal of exit, mode of transmission, portal of entry, host. 


As most complications happen within the first 48 hours after surgery, it is important to for the nurse to make this after discharging the pt home. 

What is a postop phone call? 
