Our protagonist
What violent incident occurred with Charlie on the first day of school?
He fought a kid named Sean who was threatening to give him a swirlie
He struck her across the face
First animal sent to space
Dog (Laika)
Patrick's nickname
Nothing (or Patty)
A pot brownie
This character is the one who hosts the homecoming party at his house
The book Charlie has to write a paper about for his English class
To Kill a Mockingbird
Subway's bread is classified as this type of food by most foreign countries (not bread)
Candice's Boyfriend
Ponytail Derek
Sam does this while they are driving back from the homecoming party
Charlie's encouraging English teacher
Charlie's brother plays football at this University
Penn State
President Zachary Taylor died from an overdose of this food item
Charlie's friend who tragically took his own life
Charlie does this for revenge at homecoming once he remembers what Dave did at Charlie's brother's house party
Lets the air out of his tires
Michael's girlfriend (when he was alive) who will no longer speak to Charlie
Charlie's family watches this series finale together, which makes them all cry
This animal was executed publicly in France for biting a child which resulted in her death
A Pig
Quarterback that Patrick has a secret relationship with
Sam makes this food / drink for Charlie at the homecoming party after he gets high.
A Milkshake
Name of the Mixed Tape Candice's boyfriend gives to her
Autumn Leaves
Best Halloween movie ever
A Nightmare Before Christmas