Inter-agency or
Cross Function
Permanency Planning Policy
Life Is Like a Box of Chocolates


Within 7 days of any case activity or action


Safe Sleep:

-Baby should be placed on their back for every nap and at night

-Baby should be placed on a firm, flat mattress in a safety-approved crib, bassinet, or portable crib

-Smoking and vaping should be done outside and away from the infant as studies have shown that it increases the risk of SIDS


Do you have at least one picture of each of your children in NCFAST (cause nobody but you is looking at the paper file)? Preferably within the last six months. Policy requires every twelve months.

You likely said no... please do it. Give me a good reason why you shouldn't or can't.


Within 7 calendar days of placement, policy says you are supposed to:

-Face-to-face visit with the child(ren) and placement providers in the home

-Parent/child visit

-Health Summary Form Initial Visit (DSS-5206)

-Child Education Status & Best Interest Determination (DSS-5245 & DSS-5137)


What apparel item is no longer allowed at Court?

Peep-toe shoes. 

(Sleeveless tops/dresses without coverings also acceptable.)


Who is the #1 worker for foster care and adoption Medicaid?

Carol Bowen!


Within 14 calendar days of placement, policy says you are supposed to:

-Have a shared parenting meeting

-Develop the Family Time and Contact plan (DSS-5242), including siblings if they are placed separately


When a child changes placement, what are three files that need to be updated within 24 hours?

NCFAST Removals and Placements tab, payment system, DSS Custody Spreadsheet


Required Contacts for Ongoing Out-of-Home Placement:

-Face-to-face with at least one placement provider at least monthly

-Face-to-face with all placement providers at least once per quarter

-Face-to-face contact with all parents or caretakers at least monthly, if reunification is the primary or secondary permanent plan; if the parent is living in a home to which the child could be returned, half of these contacts (3 out of every 6) must be held in the parent's home.

-Document diligent efforts made and/or rationale for the requirements not being met.


When are court reports due to your supervisor for review by?

Monday at 5:00 pm the week before Court on Thursday.


Within 60 calendar days of placement, policy says you are supposed to:

-Permanency Planning Review (DSS-5241)

-Family Strengths and Needs Assessment (DSS-5229)

-Family Reunification Assessment (DSS-5227)

-Review and update if needed the Family Services Agreement (DSS-5240)

-Adjudicatory Hearing (within 60 days of filing the petition, unless the judge orders it to be held later)


Name at least 3 types of collateral contacts:

-Medical provider

-Mental health provider

-Educational provider

-Community members (faith included)

-Extended family members and friends (IF they can provide reliable information and are not simply character references)

Name 3 permanency options

Reunification, Custody, Guardianship, APPLA, Reinstatement of Parental Rights, Adoption


Within 30 calendar days of placement, policy says are you are supposed to:

-Develop the Family Services Agreement (DSS-5240)

-Make diligent efforts to identify and notify adult relatives and other persons with legal custody of a sibling of the juvenile

-Complete the Relative Notification Letter (DSS-5317), 30-Day Health Visit Summary Form (DSS-5208), Health History Form (DSS-5207)

-Develop the Transitional Living Plan (DSS-5096a) for any child 14 years or older

-Begin the child(ren)'s Life Book


Which team has the best social workers?

