Who are Persephone's parents?
Zeus and Demeter
How does Persephone's character change throughout the myth?
She became the queen of the underworld after her abduction by her uncle Hades, the king of the underworld, who would later also take her into marriage
What season did Persephone return to Demeter?
spring and summer
How does Persephone's story explain the cycle of seasons?
to represent the yearly cycle of life and death
Why did eating food from the Underworld have special significance?
eating food from a magical world often makes it impossible to permanently leave
What happens to the Earth when Persephone is in the Underworld?
The earth becomes barren and experiences winter like conditions
How did Hades treat Persephone?
Hades treated her nicely by giving her pomegranates as a treat but she didn't know that those pomegranates were a spell to make her stay in the underworld.
What role does Persephone play in?
Queen of the under world
What was Persephone doing in the meadow before she was taken?
gathering flowers in the meadow to bring home