Gods and goddesses display human behaviors.(Give an example of how this is shown in the story.)
What is Demeter shows sorrow when her daughter left?
The god of the sun who sees everything.
What is Helios?
Video or story: Demeter found out her daughter was missing but didn't know why.
What is the video?
The cause of Persephone to go down to the underworld.
What is the flower?
Gods and goddesses play tricks. (Give an example of how this is shown in the story.)
What is the flower?
What is the Pomegranate?
The king of the underworld.
What is Hades?
The abduction is different in the video and the story.
What is Hades asked Demeter if he could marry Persephone in the story but didn't ask in the video?
A natural phenomenon is explained by a myth. (Give an example of how this is shown in the story.)
What is the changing of the seasons?
The goddess of harvest and mother of Persephone.
What is Demeter?
Video or story: Zeus asked Hermes to bring back Persephone to land.
What is the video?
A lesson is taught through the myth. (Give an example of how this is shown in the story.)
What is Hades steals Persephone (don't steal people)?
Zeus is her dad, Demeter is her mother, and she is tricked by Hades.
What is Persephone?
The consequences of eating the Pomegranate is different in the video and the story.
What is in the video if you are the fruit you would be forced to live in the underworld, but in the story, if you are the fruit you would want to live there?
A character who wanted a queen so tricked Persephone.
What is Hades?
Gods and goddesses have special powers. (give an example of how this is shown in the story.)
What is Demeter can make the seasons change based off her feelings?
The god of the sky, king of the gods, who didn't want to anger Demeter.
What is Zeus?
In the story, somebody told Demeter where her daughter went.
What is Helios?
The reason Zeus wants Persephone back in the video.
What is because people need the harvest and with Demeter upset, nothing is growing?