Where did Mehri and Marjane decide to go?
To the demonstration
Why does Marjane's father tell her that Mehri and the neighbor's son's love is impossible?
Due to their social class Mehri is poor and the neighbor’s son is rich
Why does Marjane’s father tell her about the Shah and how he got power?
To get a better understanding of Iran's history
The women and young girls are excited that they have to wear the veil (True or False).
What does Marjane mean when she says, "The revolution is like a bicycle"?
It means its unbalanced. If the people stop protesting then it'll fall like a bicycle.
How does the burning of the Rex Cinema affect Marjane?
It affects her emotionally, she realizes the government is ran by bad people and wants to put an end to it
Who is Mehri?
The maid/babysitter for Marjane
In what country does Persepolis take place?
What is the name of the main character in Persepolis? (the little girl)
What does the veil symbolize in the story?
Change and opression
Why is Marjane wearing a veil in the first chapter?
Due to the Islamic revolution