New vocab!
Character Descriptions
Character Descriptions

What is self flagellation?

Tradition of self harm, as a form of respect. It was often a way to show respect to "heroes" lost in the war effort, or to show "survivor's guilt" 


This character sticks Jasmine flowers in her bra so she smells good...

Marjane's grandmother


Where did Marjane's parents fly to when the borders opened?

Istanbul, Turkey.


Who does Marjane sleep in the same bed as, her last night in Iran?

Her grandmother

Name at least two items Marjane's parents came back with for her, after their trip away.

1. Posters (Iron Maiden and Kim Wilde)

2. Denim Jacket

3. Nike shoes

4. A Michael Jackson button

Marji is influenced by "Western" trends/traditions. What do we mean by "western?"

American/European(such as Britain, France) influences of cultures, economies, politics, or societies.


This character ALSO claims he/she likes Iron Maiden...

Marjane's dad


What was the reason Uncle Taher kept having so many heart attacks? 

He had been incredibly stressed by all the bombings; he also was worried about his son in Holland, who he missed and wished he could leave Iran to live with.

After Marjane tells her teacher off for "lying about political prisoners," her dad says Marjane is just like WHAT character?

Uncle Anoosh


Why do Nilofaur's parents receive a dowry?

It shows that she was "married," and that it was sent to them now that she was dead.

What is a coming of age character?

A character who is undergoing maturity; goes through an emotional/physical/psychological journey as they move from childhood to adulthood.

- Experience physical/emotional scarification

- Learn lessons

- Learn there's not always a clear right vs wrong answer


This character is terrified that Marjane is going to end having the same end as Nilofaur...

Marjane's mother
Why was Marjane's mom pretty sure the Baba Levy's were home when the neighborhood was bombed by Iraqi missiles? 

It was during the Sabbath


Describe the character Khosro

He was imprisoned with Anoosh during the reign of the shah; he made passports for a living


Why does Marjane keep getting kicked out of schools?

She keeps fighting with the teachers (correcting them, refusing to follow their rules, and she even pushes one!)

What is the Sabbath? 

A Jewish tradition that occurs at sundown on Friday and ends sundown on Saturday. Observers are expected to go to their place of worship, spend time at home, and avoid use of technology.


This character runs away to Sweden after he finds out his apartment is ransacked and Nilofaur is gone...



How did Marjane get out of being taken away by the "Guardians of the Revolution"?

She cried and said her mother was dead, and her stepmother was evil, and would burn her with a clothing iron if she came home late.


Who was Nilofaur? 

She was an 18 year old girl who hid in Kosro's basement. She was a communist, but she was found and executed by the new regime. 


Why does Marjane's dad go to Khosro to get a passport for Taher? 

Because the director of the hospital doesn't promise that he can help get one quick enough. The director keeps saying he will get the passport "if God wills it."


What is a dowry (in Iranian tradition)

A payment that a groom gives to a bride; and if she dies, that payment goes to her family.


Who was Neda Baba Levy? And what happened to her?

She was Marjane's Jewish neighbor, who was killed when an Iraqi missile hit her home during the Sabbath.


Name three reasons that Marjane was being sent to Austria.

1.  They had good French education

2. It was easy to get an Austrian passport

3. Her parents were getting nervous that Marjane was going to get herself in serious trouble due to her rebelliousness

4. Marjane's mom has a friend that lives in Austria


What is Marjane's mom afraid is going to happen to Marjane if she stays in Iran and keeps getting into fights with her teachers?

That she will end up like Nilofaur...


What causes Uncle Taher's third heart attack? 

A grenade hits in his neighborhood and the stress is too much for him. 
