Athenians ask the Spartans for help but the Spartans refuse due to ________.
religious celebration
The 300 Spartans fought under their king named _______
Who was involved in this battle?
Who is the Greeks and the Persians?
Who fought in this war?
Athens (and allies) vs. Sparta (and allies)
Turned the Delian League into an Athenian Empire; Had three main goals for Athens
Were the Athenians or Persians outnumbered?
Who wanted revenge for his father's embarrassing loss at the Battle at Marathon?
King Xerxes of Persia
the narrow straits of Salamis
Why was the Delian League formed?
To defend against Persia if they attacked again
Persian soldiers; when one died, another soldier immediately took his place
The Immortals
The Athenians won because they _________
Had superior armor and weapons, launched a surprise attack
All 300 Persians died in this battle, but they succeeding in delaying what?
The Persian advance towards Athens
This battle is known as the ______ ______ of the war
turning point
Why did the Sparta attack Athens?
They believed Athens was abusing their power
This ship moved quickly and gave Greeks an advantage in narrow areas
Who won the Battle of Marathon?
The Athenians
Who won this battle?
The Oracle of Delphi said that "the ______ ______ will save you"
Athenians stay inside the city walls but a deadly ______ breaks out and kills 1/4 of the city, including Pericles
Oracle at Delphi
Phidippides runs back to Athens, shouts "Nike" and then dies. How many miles did he travel?
26.2 miles
After the battle, Persia marches on and destroys _____ (city-state)
Who won this battle?
The turning point of the Pelo War is when the _______ give _______ to Sparta to build up its navy.
Persians; money
What was the last major battle of Persian Wars called?
Battle at Plataea
Greece wins the Persians War