David, park, kite, joy
example: David flew his kite at the park and felt joy as it soared in the sky.
A red fruit that comes from a tree.
Apple- this is a thing.
Sophia, restaurant, pizza, patience
example: Sophia waited at the restaurant for her pizza and showed patience while it was being made.
Where you order food.
Restaurant- this is a place.
Lucas, zoo, elephant, excitement
Lucas saw a giant elephant at the zoo and felt excitement watching it eat.
Someone who works on cars.
a mechanic- this is a person.
Ethan, airport, suitcase, anticipation
Ethan packed his suitcase at the airport and felt anticipation for his trip.
What you feel when you want food.
Hunger- this is an idea.
Emma, school, pencil, confidence
example: Emma wrote her essay with a pencil at school and showed confidence in her work.
Planet where humans live.
Earth- this is a place.