Which has no minimum balance & no monthly fees?
Free Regular Checking
How much do I need to open this account?
Regular Savings
Which club helps me save for the Holidays?
Christmas Club
What is the minimum deposit to open a CD?
What's free with both of these accounts?
Mobile & OLB, eStatements, ATM/Debit Card
What is the fee for Cashier's Checks & Money Orders with the Gold Checking?
Nothing! They're both free!
I'm 13 years old. What Savings account is best for me?
Statement Savings
Which club helps me save for Weddings, Tuition, or Vacations?
Name Your Own Club
What's the penalty if I close a CD before it matures?
CD less than 18 months= penalty is 3 months interest; CD over 18 months= penalty is 6 months interest
Which earns interest & what minimum balance is needed to earn it?
NOW Checking & $10 minimum balance
What balance do I need to avoid a $10 monthly fixed charge?
Minimum combined balances of Gold Checking & savings/MMA/CDs/IRAs of $10,000 or more
Which product offers tiered interest rates & requires a $1,000 minimum deposit to open?
Money Market Account
Can I make weekly or biweekly deposits into either Club account?
Weekly OR Biweekly--you choose the amount & frequency
What is the difference between Interest Rate & Annual Percentage Yield?
Annual Percentage Yield= Total interest earned in a year
Interest Rate=Percentage of interest earned on a deposit (Compounded monthly interest=future interest monthly calculated by increased amount in account)
What balance in a NOW Checking avoids a monthly fee?
Will I get any ATM fee reimbursements with this account?
ATM reimbursements up to $40 per statement cycle
What free with Statement Savings?
Free mobile & OLB, eStatements, ATM Card
With the Christmas Club, when will the bank send me a check with the balance?
October (& it may be directly deposited into a HB checking account!)
What is a Traditional IRA?
Retirement Account whose contributions are tax deductible & taxes are due when you take distributions or make withdrawals
What ATMs will not charge a fee?
Is there a benefit to me if I also have an IRA with the bank?
Yes! No annual IRA fee (per 1 plan)
I want to do transfers between accounts online. Is there a limit?
6 or less electronic transfers to avoid a fee
With the Name Your Own Club, when will the bank send me a check for the balance?
You get to choose when! (& it may be directly deposited into a HB checking acct!)
What is a Roth IRA?
Retirement Account where you pay taxes upfront, contributions are not tax deductible, & withdrawals in retirement are not taxed.