What are the three personal body safety rules?
1. say no 2. get away to safe place 3. tell an adult you trust?
True or False- Saying a mean joke about someone is bullying
False but can become true if it repeated
So children and adults can remain safe while using the internet, and don't get information taken, get involved in unsafe relationships and do get in trouble for things that are posted or said
Is it ever to make a mean joke about someone?
No even if it just one time, it is never ok.
Name 1 of the internet safety rules
1. Say No when people ask you for personal information 2. Don’t trust that people who talk to you online are who they say they are 3. Never meet someone you only met on line 4. Tell an adult that you trust if you feel something isn’t right 5. Don’t share passwords for any accounts 6. Be careful what you share with everyone including friends, people do things out of anger and hurt feelings 7. Don’t send anything to people you don’t know
What is a confusing touch? Give an example.
What is a touch that may start out ok, but end up being uncomfortable?
what behaviors are considered unkind and mean but are not considered bullying?
Arguing with someone
accidentally bumping into someone
Saying something unkind once
Mutual joking / teasing
Why is it important not share your passwords with your friends?
They can post things on your account without permission and you could be in trouble if it comes from your account.
Name the 4 types of bullying
Verbal, physical, relational/social and cyberbullying
Name 2 more of the internet safety rules
1. Say No when people ask you for personal information 2. Don’t trust that people who talk to you online are who they say they are 3. Never meet someone you only met on line 4. Tell an adult that you trust if you feel something isn’t right 5. Don’t share passwords for any accounts 6. Be careful what you share with everyone including friends, people do things out of anger and hurt feelings 7. Don’t send anything to people you don’t know
Name two elements of bullying
it is an unwanted aggressive, mean or unkind behavior,
it happens between people with a power imbalance
it is repeated or likely to be repeated, and may inflict harm or distress.
Pro- making friends, staying in contact, interacting with people from around the world, learning new things
Cons- get in trouble for posting inappropriate things, things can be saved and shared with others, issues between friends, not face to face interaction