The total estimated student loan debt in our country is one _______ dollars.
What is a trillion?
A person that starts his or her own business.
What is an entrepreneur?
Start reading _____, blogs, and trade magazines in your field of choice.
What are books?
Pay as you go.
What is cash-flow?
The average ______ reads one nonfiction book a month!
What is a millionaire?
One thing you can do ______ _____ is get good grade.
What is right now?
A program that allows students to work part time while continuing their studies.
What is a work study?
___-___-____ training is just that.
What is on-the-job?
A form that is completed annually by current and prospective college students to determine their eligibility for financial aid.
What is the FAFSA?
Grants are free ______!
What is money?
Another form of free money is ______.
What are scholarships?
A form of financial aid that does not need to be repaid; usually awarded on the basis of academic, athletic or other achievements.
What is a scholarship?
An ________ _____ is a two-year degree that offers a variety of benefits including lower cost the a four-year colleges, specialized training, and a flexible schedule that allows you to work while you earn your degree.
What is an associate's degree?
A form of federal or state financial aid that does not need to be repaid; usually given to students who demonstrate financial need.
What is a grant?
If you get stuck at any point in the process, just stop by your college's _______ ____ office.
What is financial aid?
Reality TV and video games are great ________ but they're just entertainment.
What are distractions?
Allows students to learn basic professional skills in two years or less; typically cut out many of the general courses required by traditional universities.
What is a trade school?
Trade schools allow students to learn basic _______ _____ skills in two years or less because technical school typically cut out many of the general courses required by traditional universities.
What are professional skills?
two-year government-supported college that offers an associateʹs degree.
What is a community college?
Research shows that students who work up to _______ hours a week have the highest grade point average of any type of student in college because they often deelop good time-management skills.
What is 20?
In order to make the most __________ college, you've got to focus on the specifics like filling out your financial paperwork, researching scholarships, and finding part-tine work opportunities.
What is cash flowing?
Usually a professional trainer serves as the course instructor and uses a combination of hands-on activities and formal classroom training.
What is on-the-job-training?
Students who are looking to learn specific skills can look into free or low-cost _______ found online, at community colleges, or through government funded programs.
What are certifications?
These may be free or low-cost; found online, at community colleges, or through government-funded programs.
What are certifications?
You can find jobs ___ _______ that offer flexible schedules for students in a variety of roles.
What is off campus?