Cash Out
Money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments.
What happens when you spend more money than is posted in your account?
You are charged an overdraft fee due to NSF (non-sufficient funds). If this happens too often, you will be put in the ChexSystem.
The accounting process that compares two sets of records to check that figures are correct and in agreement for your checking account.
Reconciliation (or balancing your checkbook)
What you can look for in a bank to feel secure about depositing your money.
Member of the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) is an independent agency of the United States government that protects you against the loss of your insured deposits up to $250,000 if an FDIC-insured bank or savings association fails.
Earning interest on interest accrued.
What is compound interest?
You opted out of Overdraft Protection and try to use your debit card to buy a concert ticket for $35, but you only have $18 in your account. This would happen...
The purchase would be declined (not go through)