Earning, Saving, Spending, Borrowing
Goals and Decisions
Protecting Financial Security
Lifestyles and stages of Life
Ms. Dennis has $100 of his salary for each pay period deposited in an interest-bearing account
What is an example of saving?
Tom’s goal is to buy a $500 stereo system by saving $50 a week from each paycheck for the next ten months. Which phrase BEST describes this goal?
What is Specific and time-bound?
After Eve’s mother gave her $1,000 as a graduation gift, Eve bought gifts for herself and all her friends, spending all the money in one week. Eve’s behavior illustrates failure to:
What is plan?
Kelly, a high school junior, was able to obtain a part-time job even though there were very few job openings at the time. Which lifestyle conditions does this illustrate? (3 parts to the answer)
What is Employment status, education level, and economic outlook?
Bobby works 45 to 60 hours in a typical week as receptionist at the newspaper office and earns time-and-a-half for overtime. Bobby has this.
What is a part time job?
Michelle charges $8 an hour when she babysits for neighbors. This is an example of which economic activity?
What is earning?
Shannon always shops at Office Mall when she needs office/school supplies. This illustrates a decision made:
What is from habit.
“(Your name) is the lucky winner. Pay only $25 before May 6 and claim your prize.” illustrates an example of this.
What is a sweepstakes letter?
Pat has decided to attend the local community college before transferring to the nearest state university to earn a degree in computer technology. Which stage of the financial life cycle does this illustrate?
What is Setting lifestyle goals?
The average cost of homes in Tucson is $272,645. The average cost of homes in Bozeman is $289,800. This information indicates that the cost of living....
What is "probably higher in Bozeman than in Tucson"?
Harold saves all extra income earned during peak seasons to give him money to fall back on during off-season months when work is more difficult to find. This illustrates which benefit of saving?
What is Increases financial security?
Sheila realized that she needed to choose something to wear for her scholarship interview. Which step in decision-making is this?
What is Identify the decision to be made?
Completing a complaint form and submitting it on the Federal Trade Commission website is an example of doing this.
What is reporting a fraudulent scam to a consumer government agency?
Mr. and Mrs. Jones have two preschoolers in day care and a new baby on the way. Their family is this kind of family unit.
What is expanding family?
career as a teacher requires a college degree. This is an example of:
What is educational requirements?
Before buying her class ring, Beth compared costs and quality of rings from three sources. This is an example of what?
What is responsible spending?
Jeremy decided to contribute part of his earnings to the church fundraiser because, like his parents, he felt a strong commitment toward helping his church. Which type of factor MOST LIKELY influenced Jeremy’s decision?
What is Cultural?
Lisa did not take time to discuss with her husband her planned purchase of new bedroom furniture. When the furniture was delivered, her husband was not pleased with her choice. Lisa's behavior illustrates failure to:
What is communicate?
At the age of sixty, Bob and Cathy decide to purchase a smaller home. They are in what stage of life?
What is pre-retirement?
Careers in day care are more in demand as the number of working parents increases. This is an example of:
What is occupational outlook?
Nancy works in a restaurant where she receives tips. Receiving tips is an example of which economic activity?
What is earning?
Carol decided to use her birthday money to purchase a new winter coat because she’d outgrown her old one. What influenced her purchase?
What is need?
On the day of his Superbowl party, Dan went to the store four times to shop for snacks. Dan's behavior illustrates failure to
What is plan?
A mother and father with three children in college became guardians of an infant boy. This family is an example of this type of family unit.
What is a variation of the typical family?
A community with a cost of living index of 98.0 has a(n):
What is below average cost of living?