Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT)

Positive Constructs Within Vocational Psychology
Theoretical Paradigms Within Vocational Psychology
Positive Psychology and Strengths

What is social cognitive theory? (SCT)

Influence of individuals experiences and interests on individual health behaviors.


What are 3 positive constructs for which research within the last decade? 

1. Work volition

2. Career adaptability 

3. Work as a calling


What are the 3 dominant theoretical approaches?

1. person-environment fir theory 

2. developmental approaches such as Super's life-span

3. social cognitive career theory 


Why are your strengths important in a workplace?

1. Work/life balance

2. Satisfaction outside of work

3. Foster well-being 

4. Deeper sense of meaning and life satisfaction 


Name 3 of the 7 factors that influence people subjective appraisals of their work as satisfying, meaningful, or both. 

1. self-efficacy 

2. outcome expectations

3. personal goals interact influence 

4. work satisfaction

5. life satisfaction

6. personality and affective traits

7. environmental aids and hindrances 


Which of the 3 positive constructs is defined as a “transcendent summons” to a particular career path that is tied to one’s per- sonal sense of meaning and that is prosocial in nature. 

1. Work Volition 2. Career Adaptability 3. Work as a Calling                                   


Work as a calling                                    



What are the 6 vocational types that combine both people and work environments? (hint: RIASEC)

1. realistic

2. investigative 

3. enterprising 

4. social

5. artistic

6. conventional 


What is a growth mindset? Give one example please. 

A persons abilities are not innate. You can improve through learning, effort, and persistence. 

Ex: I will take the time to improve my abilities in math. 


What factors does the social cognitive theory account for?

Social and Environmental Factors


Perceiving a calling is linked to what? 

Higher levels of work meaning and career commitment 


What does the theory of work adjustment postulate?

The degree of correspondence between a persons needs and abilities and a jobs reinforcers and requirements predicts workplace well-being in the form of job satisfaction and performance. 


What is a fixed mindset? Give one example please. 

Viewing your abilities as unchangeable. 

Ex: I will never be able to get better at math.


What is the social cognitive theory assumption?

People are capable of maintaining and improving their quality of life. 


How can people increase volition? Give 1 example. 

a) identifying the factors that are restricting a sense of choice and determining which, if any, are changeable, (b) setting concrete goals for making progress toward overcoming changeable obstacles, and (c) focusing on gaining more control of one’s life in general, as this has been strongly linked to control within the work domain 




What axiom was used to inform career decision making, with the goal of helping people build satisfying lives?

"birds of a feather flock together"


What are some positive emotions?

Engagement, accomplishment, determination 


What helps people identify pathways that foster personal growth and derive and express greater meaning and satisfaction within their careers and lives?                                   


1. Building on self-efficacy

2. Outcome expectations 

3. Personal goals




Which referenced author said "Resilience, generatively, and growth are key aspects of human flourishing."



Fredrickson & Losada, 2005


What does a life design counselor (LDC) aid with?

LDC aids clients in developing self-awareness and autonomous development of career paths and life trajectories. 


What does positive psychology focus on?

Human strengths, personal growth, and well-being 
