Personal Hygiene
Clothing & Shoes
Oral Health
Hand Washing
Who is responsible for your hygiene?



Clothing does not need to be washed unless it is visibly soiled and stained. True or False?

False (skin cells and germs are not visible to the eye; they mix with bacteria and cause odor)


True or False: You don't need to use soap when you take a bath, shower, or wash your hands.



What are two things you can do to keep your breath from smelling bad?

Brush your teeth, floss your teeth, mouth wash, eat healthy foods


When are 3 times you should wash your hands?

After using the bathroom, Before you eat, when you come inside from playing, anytime there's visibly dirt or other things on them, after touching animals, after sneezing/coughing, after being around someone who is sick.


What can you do to stop your armpits from smelling?

Wash them and use deodorant once a day.


It’s o.k. to turn your underwear inside out for a second wearing. True or False

False (Clothing that is worn next to the skin needs to be changed daily, i.e. underwear, socks & shirts)


How far away from others who are not in your household should you try to stay?

A. 1 Foot
B. 3 Feet
C. 5 Feet
D. 6 Feet

D. 6 feet


When are the two best times of day to brush your teeth?

After breakfast and before bed.

How long should you wash your hands for?

A. until you count to 10
B. 20-40 seconds
C. 5 minutes

B. 20-40 seconds.


What is personal hygiene?

Taking care of your body by keeping it clean.


What clothing needs to be changed daily?

A. Coats
B. Socks
C. Hair ties
D. Shirts
E. Both Shirts and Socks

E. Both Shirts and Socks


Name as many places as you can think of that you should wear a mask to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Anytime you are near someone who does not live in your household: At the store, at school, at program, at dance class...


For how long should you brush your teeth?
A. Until you count to 10
B. 2 minutes
C. 5 minutes

B. 2 minutes


What is one way you can make sure you washed your hands long enough?

Sing Happy Birthday, say to Google "Ok Google, help me wash my hands", Count to 30 slowly, etc.


Why is it important to keep our bodies clean?

So you don't smell, so you don't get sick, so you don't make others sick, etc.

What causes clothing to smell?

A. Environment (cigarette smoking, cooking smells, etc.)
B. When bacteria mixes with skin cells, dirt & oils in the skin and hair
C. Food, dirt and stains on clothing
D. All of the above

D. All of the above

What are some symptoms of COVID-19?

Fever, cough, sneezing, runny nose, fatigue, difficulty breathing, can't taste or smell.  Sometimes, people don't have any.


How can you make sure that you brush your teeth for a full 2 minutes?

Set a timer, play a song that is at least 2 minutes, use a YouTube video for brushing teeth, etc.


True or False: When it's time for lunch, if you don't see any dirt on your hands, you don't need to wash them.

False - you cant see germs and they need to be washed off before you eat so they don't get into your body.


True or False: All bacteria is bad.

False: Some bacteria that is already in our bodies is good for us.  Germs and Bacteria from viruses can make us sick.


How does your clothes get cleaned?

You put it in the washing machine with soap and then in the dryer to dry it.  OR bring to a facility that cleans clothes.  OR handwash and dry on a line outside/inside. OR ask your family for help.


Which way is the BEST at removing germs from your hands?

A. Sanitizer
B. Washing your hands with soap and water

Washing your hands with soap at water.


How often should you get a dental cleaning?

Every 6 months


What are 3 of the most touched areas in the house (that are likely to have many germs)?

Door knobs, remote control, phone, light switch, sink faucet, Money, Sponge, etc.
