What is the string called?
What is this called?
Soap or Hand soap
What is this called?
What is body odour?
Body odour is the unpleasant smell from our body when we are not clean.
TRUE or FALSE: Spitting on the floor is hygienic
How do you floss?
You move the floss back and forth between each tooth, hugging each side.
What should you do before putting soap on your hands?
What is this called?
What causes body odour?
Body odour is caused by bacteria eating our sweat
When coughing or sneezing we should cough or sneeze into our elbows or into a tissue
Do you floss before or after brushing your teeth?
Before brushing your teeth
Before eating
After using the bathroom
After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing
If they are visibly dirty
Before and after cooking food
After playing with animals
Before and after treating a wound or cut
After touching garbage
When should you brush your teeth?
Morning and Night
How often should you wash your body?
Once every day
Sneezing and Coughing can send germs up to 3.5 meters in front of us
When should you floss?
Before bed after you have finished eating for the day
How long should you brush your teeth?
2 minutes
How often should we wash our underwear and socks?
Every time after we wear them.
What is the correct way to sneeze?
The correct way is into a tissue or Kleenex
What are the correct steps to brushing your teeth?
1. Put toothpaste on toothbrush 2. Brush front, back and sides of teeth 3. Spit out toothpaste 4. Wash face 5. Rinse toothbrush
What can we use to prevent or mask body odour?
Deodorant or Antiperspirant deodorant
If your sneezing you might have
a cold or allergies