Wear it every day, put it on after showers and after strenuous activity.
What is deodorant.
Deodorant covers up body odor with a nice-smelling fragrance.
Twice a day
What is how often you should brush your teeth.
You should floss at least once a day.
Once a day or every other day
What is how often you should wash your hair.
Detergent, fabric softener, and possibly stain remover
What are things that you need to clean your clothes.
After playing outside, before eating, after using the bathroom, after blowing your nose...
What is when should I wash my hands.
Wash hands, fingers, and nails for at least 15 seconds with water and soap.
Perspiration + bacteria
What is what produces the foul body odor after not washing/bathing for a long period of time.
Body odor puts the unpleasant SCENT in adolescent!
Two to four minutes
What is how long you should brush your teeth.
This amount of time is necessary to remove food particles, excess sugar, and plaque from the teeth and gums.
Stimulates hair and scalp to help remove dead skin cells, excess oil and dirt.
What is hair brushing.
Brush/comb hair routinely from roots to tips to help prevent dry, itchy, and/or flaky skin on the scalp.
What type of clothing helps to absorb sweat and/or perspiration more effectively.
What is clothing made out of cotton.
The best way to keep this clean and prevent skin problems is to wash gently twice a day with mild soap.
What is your face.
An astringent preparation for reducing perspiration, usually containing aluminum or zirconium and used to prevent body odor and clothing stains.
What is an antiperspirant.
Antiperspirants help to reduce or stop perspiration.
Excess sugar and plaque in the mouth create bacteria which leads to breakdown of tooth enamel.
What is a cavity, dental caries, or tooth decay.
Ingrown hairs and razor burn
What are common negative outcomes of shaving.
Frequently rinse off the shaver while shaving and replace dull blades.
Fresh and clean clothes should be worn every day. These items need to be changed at least once a day.
What are socks and underclothes.
During puberty, all clothes should be changed daily due to the excess sweat and body odors. There's a reason why PUberty starts with P - U!
Oil from oil glands in the skin mix with dead skin cells and plug up hair follicles on the surface of the skin.
What is a "zit," blackhead, pimple, and/or acne.
To minimize breakouts:
limit the use of makeup, hair gels and sprays.
keep hair away from face.
wash hands often and avoid touching your face.
A result of poor hygiene
What is what causes body odor.
Body odor can be caused by:
not using deodorant/antiperspirants.
not showering effectively on a daily basis,
not changing clothes daily.
Recommended every six months
What is how often you should visit the dentist.
Oily, greasy hair may be common during this growth period.
What is puberty.
Changes during puberty cause your oil glands to produce extra oil.
Wear clean cotton socks, air out your shoes at the end of the day, and wash your feet every day.
What are ways to prevent stinky feet.
Q-tips will smash this deep into the ear canal and prevent the natural removal process.
What is ear wax.
Ear wax is usually removed naturally through the process of chewing.
What is bad breath.
Bad breath can be caused by:
poor oral hygiene allowing bacteria to dwell in the mouth,
food particles stuck in the teeth,
sinus or stomach problems.
This ingredient, found in most toothpastes, helps protect teeth against cavities.
What is fluoride.
Refrain from using this hair product if you have excessive oils in your hair.
What is conditioner.
We often forget that these need to be aired out at the end of the day.
What are shoes.
Take shoes off to air and dry out overnight so that sweat and bacteria do not produce unpleasant smells in the moist leather or fabric of the shoe.
Fungal infection on the skin of the feet.
What is Athletes Foot.
Prevent athlete's foot by:
keeping feet clean and dry.
changing socks daily.
not sharing shoes with friends.