How long do we wash our hands?
30 seconds
How often should you replace your toothbrush?
Every 3-4 months!
On minimum, how many times should you shower in a day?
Once a day
What hygiene tasks should you complete before coming to school in the morning?
Shower, brush teeth, clean clothes, brush hair, wear deodorant
How can hygiene affect your personal relationships?
May keep you from forming close relationships, may cause others to stay away etc
What is a mirror check?
Looking in the mirror to check if I am clean and if my clothes are okay.
What is something you should do before cooking or eating?
Wash your hands
How many times a day should you brush your teeth?
Two times a day
True or False: You should use soap when you are washing your body in the shower.
Name one way to cure dry cracked lips
Lip balm, Chapstick, drinking water
True or False: If I feel depressed or anxious, I may not feel like doing self care.
Taking a shower can feel too hot or cold, but using this tool can help wash your body without touching the soap directly.
loofah or wash cloth
What can you use to clean your hands if soap and water are not available?
Hand Sanitizer
How long do we brush our teeth for?
Two Minutes
What is the purpose of a shower? Why is it necessary?
To make sure our body is clean by getting rid of germs and bacteria and to not have bad odor.
What are some good shower essentials?
Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, scrub, sponge.
Every object that we touch carries _____________.
Body odor is a mixture of ______ and ________
sweat and bacteria
Name two times that you should wash your hands.
Using the bathroom, cooking, touching dirty objects, touching animals, sneezing etc.
How many times a year should you visit a dentist?
Twice a year or every 6 months
Name something we use to help eliminate body odor after we get out of the shower.
Deodorant, Cologne, Perfume
What disease can you get if you do not wash your feet and use socks properly?
Washing hands helps stop the spread of ___________.
Germs and diseases
What can happen if you don't maintain good hygiene?
Your friends may not want to be around you
You could have poor health conditions (cavities)
Name two common illnesses that spread through lack of hand washing.
Food Poisoning, Rotavirus, flu, common cold
Name two diseases you can prevent by brushing your teeth twice a day.
gum disease, heart disease
When your skin is dry, you can moisturize it with ____.
What are the most appropriate ways to cough & sneeze?
Into your elbow or into a tissue
True or False: You can become depressed if your hygiene is poor.
In a public bathroom which carries less bacteria, the hand dryer or paper towels.
paper towels