Defining Leadership
Values and Visions
Communication Skills
Self Management
Presentation Skills
The natural skills and abilities of individuals were recognized, nourished and developed prior to contact.
What is traditional leadership
Define who we are, inform us of how to live our life and illustrate right from wrong
What is value?
He believed in his message, listened to his peoples' grievances, spoke with great articulation and inspired change.
Who is Martin Luther King Jr.
The awareness and management of self, the awareness of others and the ability to engage and interact in social settings and situations.
What is EQ - emotional intelligence?
comfort, stretch, panic
What is zones of comfort?
We has individuals have to come to realize and seek out our natural skills and abilities and work to develop them to become leaders.
What is contemporary leadership?
Culture, media, family, friends, mentors, social groups.
What is - where does a value come from?
Texting while talking, Giving unwanted advice, cutting people off while they are talking, blaming others.
What is barriers to communication.
To defer action; delay
What is procrastination?
Appearance, demeanor, body language, and mannerisms are useful when making this....
What is a good first impression?
Looking back seven generations to see the path of our ancestors, looking forward seven generations to see the path of our children in order to determine what to do in the present.
What is the teachings of the Seven Generations?
Social, aesthetic, financial, spiritual, political, theoretical
What is a type of value?
We need to listen more, speak less while communication through the heart.
What is two ears, one mouth and a heart?
The action on a body of any system of balanced forces whereby strain or deformation results.
What is stress?
Who, what, where, when, why, and how.
What is preparing for a presentation?
The skills of the Otter, Buffalo, Eagle and Owl are to be developed and honed in on in order to create a holistic consistent leader.
What is leadership styles?
Ensuring that we develop/nurture/care for all aspects of our being enables us to lead people in a positive, effective and consistent manner.
What is the Medicine Wheel?
These two skills allow leaders to gather information from their followers and to better understand the plight of the people they are leading.
What is listening and observing?
Yelling at your partner, telling oneself you suck, depression, lack of sleep.
What is symptoms of stress
One of the most important aspects when giving a presentation.
What is the human element?
Preach what you practice, walk the talk - be accountable to yourself and your followers.
What is Integrity?
Knowing our natural abilities, skills and gifts allows us to know when to further develop them and share them with others; honoring the gifts from the Creator
What is Wisdom, the teaching of the Beaver.
Enter into the conversation being respectful, state the problem in which you are addressing, use I statements to indicate how you feel and need, and then ask if the person is capable and willing to follow through.
What is assertive communication?
Talk to someone about problem, working out, participating in ceremony, take a day trip, getting together with friends, read a book, meditate, listen to music.
What is stress management techniques?
When my mind goes blank, worry people won't listen, worry of looking foolish and being tongue tied.
What is stage fright?