This item is used when your hands may touch someone else's body fluids, certain hazardous drugs or some potentially contaminated items.
What are gloves?
The minimum infection prevention practices that apply to all patient care, regardless of suspected or confirmed infection status of the patient.
What are standard precautions?
The first step in donning PPE.
What is to perform hand hygiene?
What is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The minimum amount of time to wash your hands.
What is 20 seconds?
This item protects you from the contamination of clothing with potentially infectious material?
What is a gown?
This precaution is used for suspected or confirmed C diff
What is Contact--Special Enteric
The sequence in donning PPE.
What are the gown, mask/respirator, goggles/face shield, and the gloves?
What is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration?
The most important components of hand washing.
What are soap, (warm) water, and friction?
This PPE is required for staff and patients when in direct contact with patients
What is mask and protective eyewear for staff and mask for patients
This isolation precaution is to prevent the transmission of pathogens spread through close respiratory or mucous membrane contact with respiratory secretions.
What is droplet isolation?
The sequence of doffing PPE.
What are the gloves, goggles or face shield, gown, and mask or respirator?
What is the World Health Organization?
One of the most frequently missed areas when washing your hands
What are the areas between fingers and thumb
This item filters the air you breathe to help protect you from microorganisms including bacteria and many viruses.
What is a N95/Respirator?
This precaution is used for Suspected or Confirmed COVID
What is Droplet, Contact and Eyewear for special populations
The most contaminated portion of the mask/respirator?
What is the front of the mask/respirator?
What is the Coronavirus Disease 2019?
Used when hands are not visibly soiled and acts quickly to kill microorganisms.
What is an alcohol-based handrub/sanitizer?
This item protects the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth from splashes of body fluid.
What is a face shield??
Prevents the transmission of infectious agents that remain infectious over long distances when suspended in the air.
What are airborne precautions?
The most contaminated portions of the gown.
What are the gown front and sleeves?
What is the Joint Commission for Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations?
The preferred method for hand hygiene after contact with C diff patient or environment
What is washing hands with soap and water