Personal Characteristics
Good Health
An elderly patient is loud, demanding, impatient, and critical. The patients son asks, is my mother causing you trouble? You respond by saying your mother speaks her mind and know what she wants. Your reponse is an example of what personal chatacteristic?
What is tact
A nursing assinstant is called to the nursing supervisor's officer for a personal appereance violation. The assistant most likely:
What is "Had on red nail polish" (Any example of a personal appereance violation)
Cynthias feet hurt after standing up all day on the job at the local pharmacy. What might she do to improve this problem?
What is get well fitting shoes with low heels and good support.
A health care worker who demonstrates self motivation would?
What is figure out what needs to be done and go ahead and do it.
Linda placed her new ring on a saftey pin and pinned it inside her uniform pocket. By doing this she will likely avoid..
What is injury to a patient or transmiton of germs.
Billy is overweight and wants to lose weight to improve his overall health. what could he do to help to improve his deit.
What is follow the food guide pyramid.
A high school senior is interviewing for a job as a veterinary assinstant. The veterinary ask the student to give an example of his/her dependability. What response would be best?
What is "I am never absent from school, and always turn in my assingments on time". (Or anything to this extent)
All clinical uniforms should include..
What is a name badge.
After studyong for hours after his final exam, Matt sticks to his plan and goes to bed at 10pm. He understands that getting enough sleep wil
What is Improve his alertness and ability to deal with stress.
A dental patient tells the assistant, "I hate coming to the dentist." An empathetic response would be?
What is "many people find dental work uncomfortable" or anything to this extent.
Beyonce has long hair, and is scheduled to job shadow on a pediatric unit. She should..
What is pull her hair back to avoid patient contact.
Jill loves to dance, and hope to continue to dance 3-4 times a week because she understands that regular exercise;
What is maintains circulation and improves muscle tone.
Someone with good time management skills usually makes:
What is a daily todo list.
What characteristics of personal appereance can be used to create a positive first impression.
What is Well groomed natural appenerence.
What stress reducing technique would provide the most long term relief for lifes daily stressers.
What is eat balanced meals and exercise regularly.