What is First Aid?
The first possible aid that you can render to help someone in need.
What is CPR?
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. 30 compressions to 2 breaths.
What is an AED and what does it do?
automated external defibrillator. It helps to shock the heart back into a normal rhythm.
What is considered a Firearm?
Any device that is used with an explosive cartridge to deliver a projectile downrange.
How can I be better prepared for an Active Attacker event at work, school, or business?
Take a CRASE class. CRASE stands for Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events. The class will give you tools to help to prevent, what to do during, and how to recover from an event. Combined with a Stop the Bleed course, this will help everyone have the best chance of survival.
What are some types of help we can provide when giving First Aid?
Bandaging a wound; splinting a break; washing out someones eyes when they have something in them; covering someone who is cold; calling for help when someone is in need.
What does CPR do?
CPR when performed properly, sustains a persons life while they are in cardiac arrest or when their heart is not beating properly or maybe even not beating at all. Give your loved one the best chance of survival while waiting for EMS to arrive.
How would I know how to put an AED on a person in an emergency?
The AED has pictures on the unit and on the pads to show you where to place them. Also, the AED has voice prompts to help with placement. Don't delay, when the AED is available start using it.
How can I be safe and ensure my kids are safe around Firearms?
Have them attend a Firearms Safety Training Course. Do not leave Firearms loaded and outside of a safe or without a trigger locking device. Teach children about Firearms to remove the curiosity and promote an attitude of respect vs fear.
What are some things I can do to help mitigate an attack?
Be vigilant and aware of your surroundings. Notify leadership and law enforcement if you are aware of threats or persons of concern that may pose a threat to you, your family, your school, or your business.
Notifying trained professionals is the best way to prevent an attack.
What is the difference between sterile and non-sterile?
Sterile means clean and protected, so when applying a sterile dressing we should be keeping the side against the skin clean.
Non-Sterile means that it is a good barrier however it is not necessary clean enough to leave on for a long time.
Do I have to be certified in CPR to perform CPR on anyone?
No, the Good Samaritan Act protects people who are acting in good faith to help someone. Becoming certified ensures that you receive all of the training needed to provide the best and fastest help.
What are some safety concerns with an AED?
Don't touch the patient when it is analyzing or going to shock. Don't use in a pool or lake, pull the person out. You can shock a pregnant woman, a person with a pace maker and a person with piercings.
Are there specific rules to help be safe around Firearms?
Yes, the Cardinal Rules of Firearms Safety
Treat Every Firearm As If It Were Loaded
Keep The Firearm Pointed In A Safe Direction
Keep Finger Off The Trigger
Keep The Firearm Unloaded Until Ready To Use
If the attacker is in our church, business, school, or community event, what should we do?
Be aware of your surroundings, the exits and safety equipment no matter where you are.
If an attack is in progress and you can escape, do so quickly and quietly. If you can't escape, hide. Turn off lights, look doors, and turn phone ringer and vibration off, leave phone on. Call for help once it is safe to do so.
How should we treat a burn?
Run cool clean water over the burn for at least 15 minutes. If there are blisters, do not break the blisters. Do not apply butter or other items unless they are designed specifically for burns. For severe burns seek medical attention to help stop infection and for pain.
What is the most important part of CPR?
Jumping in the help someone in need and Push Fast, Push Hard.
Do you have to be certified to use an AED?
No, but it helps to have additional training for the best success.
What should I do or my kids to if they see a Firearm in an area that could harm others?
Have them tell an adult and call 911 immediately. Do Not touch the Firearm and keep everyone else away from it until law enforcement officers arrive.
What should we do if the attacker is gaining access to the room we are hiding in?
Looks for weapons and fight for your life. This is not a fair fight and you should muster your inner strength to hurt the attacker until you can escape.
Wait for the opportunity, and if there is a fire extinguisher available, this is a great weapon, spray them in the face and then beat them with it.
What should we do if we think someone is having a STROKE?
Use FAST to determine if they are having a stroke then call 911 immediately. F- Face, look at their face is one side drooping; A- Arms, have them lift their arms, if they do not raise to the same spot it is a concern; S- Speech, have them say a simple phrase, if words are slurred, get help; T- Time, document the time and call 911.
What should I do if I can't remember how to help someone in an emergency?
Call 911. The have the "Big Book of Knowledge" that they can look up any condition to tell you how to help them. Just don't delay trying to decide.
Can I use adult pads on an infant or child if that is all there is?
Yes, although the adult pads provide a higher shock, it will not hurt the infant or child. You cannot use child pads on an adult as it will not deliver enough of a shock.
What should I do if I discharge a Firearm unintentionally?
If someone was hurt or injured, call 911 and get help.
If no one was injured, call the police non-emergency number to file a report, especially if the Firearm was discharged outside and you do not know where the round went.
What should we do when police have arrived?
Stay calm, follow their instructions and do not make any sudden moves. Do not reach for belongings or anything else. This is a tense situations and they do not always have all the facts. Move with hands above head in an orderly fashion in the direction they are telling you.