Eating well balanced meals and nutritious foods. Ensure you are eating foods from all 5 food groups.
Means being truthful and having integrity.
Communicating effectively is important in all aspects of life. True/False
_______ _________ is a system of practical skills that allows an individual to use time in the most effective and productive way possible.
Time Management
Part of an Email: this is what the reader sees in their inbox. If it is misleading or missing information, your email may not get read. The message may even be sent to spam.
Subject Line
This should be neat, well fitting, clean, and wrinkle free. Some agencies will require different colors depending on your position.
Means being able to identify with and understand another person’s feelings, situations, and motives.
List the 3 different ways that you can communicate:
Verbal, Non-Verbal, Written
A ________ can be defined as a desired result or purpose toward which one is working.
__________ improves communication and continuity of care. For a team to function properly, every member must understand the role of each member.
These should be kept short. Having them long risks spreading infection.
This is the ability to begin or follow through with a task. You should be able to do things without constant direction.
What are the 3 elements of communication?
Sender, Message, Receiver
These goals usually take days, weeks, or months to accomplish.
Short-Term Goals
Part of an Email:this directly addresses the person you’re sending the email to. It’s always used in formal email messages, but sometimes skipped in informal messages.
Personal hygiene is essential. You should be clean, but avoid using ________ and _________.
Perfumes and Colognes
Having the ability to say or do the kindest or most fitting thing in a difficult situation. Tactfulness implies a consideration for the feelings of others.
_________ is essential to effective communication. ____________ means paying attention to and making an effort to hear what the other person is saying.
These goals may take years or even a lifetime to accomplish.
Long-Term Goals
__________ __________ are a major factor in any individual’s life. Every day an individual is likely to have interactions with many different groups of people.
Interpersonal Relationships
List the 5 main factors that contribute to promoting health and preventing disease:
Good posture
Avoid use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs
This involves the blending of many different personal qualities to meet the standards expected in a healthcare career. Examples include good judgement, proper behavior, courtesy, good communication skills, honesty, politeness, responsibility, integrity, competence, and proper appearance.
What are the 3 most common barriers to communication?
Physical Disabilities
Psychological Attitudes/Barriers
Cultural Diversity
How many steps does an effective time management plan involve?
Analyze and prioritize
Identify habits and preferences
Schedule tasks
Make a daily “To-Do” list
Plan your work
Avoid distractions
Take credit for a job well done
A __________ is someone who guides others, or who is in charge of other people.