Perspective Taking 1
Perspective Taking 2
Perspective Taking 3
Perspective Taking 4
Perspective Taking 5

You meet someone new at the mall and share a story about your dog dying.  How do you think they feel?

Uncomfortable, because they are a stranger.  It's too much too soon. 


You are playing cards with some kids and one of them burps out loud. His face turns red and everyone looks at him. Why did his face turn red? Why shouldn't you laugh.  

He was embarrassed. 

He's your friend and you don't want to embarrass him more. 


You got home from school late because you stopped by your teachers class to ask for help. When you walked in the door your mom had a worried look on her face. Why was she worried?

You didn't tell her you were going to be late and she was worried about where you were.


You are thinking about your baseball game after school, and shout out "I hope we win!!!" The person you are talking too looks at you confused. What might they be thinking?

They might be wondering what you are talking about. Saying something out of context can be confusing if our conversation partner does not know what we're talking about.


Your older brother is having a conversation with your dad about his boss, but you want to share about your day.  How might your brother feel if you interrupt?  

What could you say?  

Angry, mad, upset, annoyed. 

Can I tell you what happened a school when you guys are done? 


Your teacher is talking with another student.  You call his name and start asking your question.  How does the other student feel?  

Annoyed.  It was their turn to talk to the teacher.


At movie night it isn't your night to choose. Your mom picks a movie she likes but you don't.  Should you stay to watch it with her?

Yes, because it won't hurt you to watch it.  It's nice to do things for a friends and family and spend time with them. 


You overhear a group of people talking about you at lunch, and they are not saying kind things. You are confused because you thought they were your friends. What should you do or say?

Give yourself some space if you need it. Ask the person/group to not speak bad about you behind your back. Explain that you thought they were good friends. Find friends that are loyal!


You are watching a movie with your little sister about alien monsters. You look over at your sister and she has a scared look on her face. What could you do or say?

Do you want to put on a different movie? or Don't be scared, this isn't real, it's just a movie. 


In the lunch room, your friend dropped his tray and his food went all over the floor. What do you think he is feeling?



Your friend was shooting baskets in PE class and missed every shot. How do you think he felt?

Angry, sad, annoyed, mad. 


You have something you REALLY want to say but your friends are talking about something different.  Should you interrupt them?  

No, unless it's an emergency you should wait until there is a pause in the conversation.  


You were working on an important assignment and the bell rang. You were not done. How do you feel?

I would feel nervous, anxious, mad, frustrated. 


If your friends want to make cupcakes for dessert but you want to make cookies, how might you feel?  How would they feel if you complained?  


They might feel annoyed that you want things your way and don't want to compromise.  


Your grandma start talking to someone at the amusement park and shares about her medical problems.  How might that stranger feel? 



Your teacher makes it a rule that you can't listen to YouTubes during school.  Why might he make that rule? 

He thought it was distracting from learning.


Jonas didn't save Leo a seat next to him for the assembly. The first thought that Leo had was Jonas didn't want to be friends anymore. What is another possibility that would explain Jonas's decision?

Jonas did not know to save Leo a seat at the assembly. Jonas may have had a bad day and forgot to save the seat.


Jessica got picked last for baseball. What is she thinking?

Why was I picked last? Why doesn't anyone want me on their team?


If someone interrupts you while your telling a story, how might you feel? 

What could you say to them to get them to wait?

Like they didn't care about what you were saying.

Hold on to that until I finish my story. 


Your friend is struggling with a math problem.  You want to offer to help.  Why should you?  What's a reason you shouldn't?  

They might want the help.

They might want to do it themselves. 


Tanya doesn't have a pencil for math again, so she asks Paul for one. Paul says no. Why might he say no?

He's annoyed because she forgets a lot. He wants to teach her a lesson.


Molly is in the hall and runs up to a group of girls. The girls turn and walk away without talking to Molly. Why might have the girls walked away?

They don't like talking/being with Molly. They are annoyed/mad at Molly.


Joyce's dad made a rule that she isn't allowed to watch HBO any more. Why might her dad have made that rule?  How does Joyce feel?  

He might feel like she was watching too much tv or it was inappropriate.  She might be mad or upset and feel like her dad is treating her like a little kid.  


Your friend rubs your back in class when you ask her to.  Your teacher says that's inappropriate.  How might you feel?  Why might your teacher have said that.  

Annoyed because it feels nice.  

It's important to have personal boundaries and follow the rules.


Cody is talking to a group of friends about his vacation. While he is talking, Andrew doesn't say anything but just walks away. Why might Andrew have walked away? How might Cody feel? 

What could Andrew have done differently? 

He's not interested in what Cody's talking about.

Upset that Andrew didn't care about his story and that he just left. 

Said "Sorry, I have to run".  
