You were at school and you were running in the hallway. You bumped into someone, making them drop all their stuff. What should you do?

Stop running and apologize. 


You are playing cards with some kids and one of them burps out loud. His face turns red and everyone looks at him. Why did his face turn red?

He was embarrassed. 


You got home from school late because you stopped by your teachers class to ask for help. When you walked in the door your mom had a worried look on her face. Why was she worried?

You didn't tell her you were going to be late and she was worried about where you were.


You are thinking about your baseball game after school, and shout out "I hope we win!!!" The person you are talking too looks at you confused. What might they be thinking?

They might be wondering what you are talking about. Saying something out of context can be confusing if our convo partner does not know what we're talking about.


After dinner on Friday night you wanted to go to the movies, but your mom said no because she didn’t have enough time to wash the dishes, pick up your sister, and get you to the movie theater on time. How do you feel about this?

Angry, mad, upset, annoyed. 


Your sister was out riding her new bike. She suddenly came running in the house crying. Why do you think she was crying?

She fell down and hurt herself, crashed her new bike.


Your teacher asked what kind of cupcake everyone wanted and you said you didn’t care, but the girl next to you said she wanted chocolate. Your teacher passed the cupcakes out and you got chocolate. You were about to eat it when you noticed the girl next to you had a sad face and had not touched her cupcake yet. Why do you think she felt sad and what could you do about it?

She didn't get a chocolate cupcake. You can switch cupcakes with her. 


You overhear a group of people talking about you at lunch, and they are not saying kind things. You are confused because you thought they were your friends. What should you do or say?

Give yourself some space if you need it. Ask the person/group to not speak bad about you behind your back. Explain that you thought they were good friends. Find friends that are loyal!


You are watching a movie with your little sister about alien monsters. You look over at your sister and she has a scared look on her face. What could you do or say?

Do you want to put on a different movie? or Don't be scared, this isn't real, it's just a movie. 


In the lunch room, your friend dropped his tray and his food went all over the floor. What do you think he is feeling?



Your friend was shooting baskets in PE class and missed every shot. How do you think he felt?

Angry, sad, annoyed, mad. 


Some students in class are telling lies about your friend. How does that make you feel and what should you do?

Makes me feel mad, upset, angry. I could tell them to stop. 


You were working on a test and the bell rang. You were not done. How do you feel?

I would feel nervous, anxious, mad, frustrated. 


The teacher asked you a question in class, but you didn't know the answer. How do you feel?


Someone in your class teased you because you got so many wrong on your math test. How did you feel?

Embarrassed, mad.


You witness a kid you don't know being bullied at school by the same bullies that sometimes mess with you. What should you do / say?

Stand up for the kid you don't know. Introduce yourself, and try to make a connection with that potentially new friend.


Jonas didn't save Leo a seat next to him for the assembly. The first thought that Leo had was Jonas didn't want to be friends anymore. What is another possibility that would explain Jonas's decision?

Jonas did not know to save Leo a seat at the assembly. Jonas may have had a bad day and forgot to save Leo a seat.


Jessica got picked last for baseball. What is she thinking?

Why was I picked last? Why doesn't anyone want me on their team?


Judith picked up her graded test, ran out of the room, and threw the paper in the trash. Why did Judith throw away her test?

She got a bad grade and is upset.


Latisha looked over at Ana and Ana quickly looked away. Latisha wondered if Ana was trying to ignore her. What is another possibility that would explain Ana looking away quickly?

Ana may have been looking around the room and turned toward the front, at the same time Latisha looked over. Ana may want to talk to Latisha but doesn't want to get in trouble with the teacher.


Tanya doesn't have a pencil for math again, so she asks Paul for one. Paul says no. Why might he say no?

He's annoyed because she forgets a lot. He wants to teach her a lesson.


Molly is in the hall and runs up to a group of girls. The girls turn and walk away without talking to Molly. Why might have the girls walked away?

They don't like talking/being with Molly. They are annoyed/mad at Molly.


Jayden has a hard time sitting still in class and learns best when he is moving. Jayden's teacher, Ms. Martinez, told him he needed to sit down quietly during the lesson. How might Jayden be feeling and thinking in this situation?

He may feel frustrated, discouraged, motivated. He might be wondering if his teacher cares about him, if he is going to do well in class, or thinking about ways to help him focus.


The teacher told the class to pick partners for an assignment. Jacob sat at his desk and didn't pick a partner. What might Jacob be thinking?

No one wants to be my partner. I don't like anyone in this class/I don't want to partner with anyone. I can do the assignment all on my own. 


Cody is talking to a group of friends about his vacation in Europe. While he is talking, Andrew walks away. Why might Andrew have walked away?

He's not interested in what Cody's talking about.
