A boy came out of soccer practice and was walking slowly because he was tired. Kids behind him said, "Look at this slowpoke" and laughed at him. How could the little boy be feeling?
Sad, Hurt, or Embarrassed
At home John's mom said he can't have any time with toys or electronics until homework is finished.
You go to favorite ice-cream store and they don't have the ice cream you want! Mom and dad say we can't go to another one. So i pick a different flavor but its not as good
My friend said they liked my new sweater
It's time for me to do a presentation in class and stand infront of everyone! I don't like talking with big groups. My hands start shaking, my face feels hot, and I begin sweating
At the park a little girl was waiting to go down the slide but it looked way too high! She began walking backwards and went down the stairs instead.
Scared, Frightened, Fearful
Michelle's mom and dad were happily eating their favorite food but she doesn't like the food or the smell! Michelle's mom gives her a hug and Michelle covers Her nose say, "Mom you smell! Your breath smells bad!!"
Hurt or embarrassed
The teacher gives us all a test. Jenny didn't study because she played video games all night! She reads the first question and oh oh, she doesn't understand it. She reads it again and again but still doesn't get it.
Jerry was running at the park and he tripped over a rock and fell down! Some other kids at the park starting pointing at him and laughing! Jerry's cheeks got red and he ran to his mom crying.
Embarrassed, upset, hurt, sad
Brian's old bike doesn't work anymore and his parents said that today they are going to buy a new one! Brian starts jumping up and down and saying, "Yipeee!"
Steven studied super hard for his test. He tried his best and thought he would get an A+. When the teacher gave him back his test, all his answers were wrong!
Jack and Jill had nothing to do at home. They played all their games already, watched their favorite videos, and ate food. So they sit on the couch doing nothing!
It's picture day and Sally does her hair in a different style than usual. Another girl in class tells her, "Your new hair style is kind of weird!"
Johnny gets the spelling bee prize! He studied super hard and did amazing!
PROUD, happy