Lesson 1 part 1
Lesson 1 part 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 3 part 1
Lesson 3 part 2

Give the definition of a Archaeologist 

A scientist who examines objects such as bones and tools to learn about past peoples and cultures 


Give the definition of a Historian 

A scholar who researches and writes about history. 


Give an example of a Civic Duty 

Voting, volunteering, running for public office, writing a petition, and/or peacefully protesting, etc. 


Give the definition of a Historical Map 

This is a map that provides information about a place at a certain time in history. This map is usually hand-drawn. 


Give an example of a Special Purpose Map

"How many states downloaded netflix last year?" or "What is the most eaten drive-thru restaurant in the US?" etc... election results


Give the definition of Architecture 

The art of designing buildings, open areas, communities, and other artificial constructions and environments. 


Give the definition of a Perspective 

This is a specific point of view in understanding or judging things or events. You should ALWAYS find factual information on the topic to help you form the best perspective. 


Give the definition of a Contemporary Source 

A source that was not at the actual event. This refers to news stories, journal entries, etc. that were written around the same time that an event happened. 


Give the definition of a Physical Map

This map represents what a region looks like by showing its major physical features like the elevation and relief by using different colors. 


Give the definition of a Special Purpose Map

This is a map designed to show something specific like natural resources, restaurants, car dealerships, etc. 


Give an example of a Artifact 

A Roman coin, a Roman tablet with writing on it, jewelry, pottery, mummies, etc. 


Give an example of a Architecture 

The white house, Times Square, The Coliseum, etc. 


Give the definition of a Primary Source

These are accounts of an event by someone who was present at the event. 


Give an example of a Geographic Representation

Aerial photographs, globes, satellite images, or GIS


Give an example of a Perspective 

"I believe the Romans to be the greatest civilization ever" "My partner and I disagree" "I think college should be free" "The Women's Suffrage Movement was inspiring"


Give an example of a Historical Narrative 

The movie Troy, Gladiator, Titanic, etc. and any books or articles that tell a story of a true event but might have some fake parts included. 


Give the definition of a Value 

These are lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good, fair, and right. 


Give an example of a Historical Source

A document, picture, sound recording, book, movie, TV show, etc.. Something that is based off real facts and tells us about history. 


Give the definition of a Political map

These show borders of continents, countries, and divisions within countries like states. Major cities and scales are also included. 


Should a Primary Source have bias?

No, they should have been present at the event and be telling things for future historians to use that are factual pieces. 


Give the definition of a Norm 

These are rules or social expectations that guide behavior. The society you live in determines a set of rules that the people should follow to be good citizens. 


Give an example of a Value

If you value family, you will make time every day for them. Also, all religions are different examples of values. 


Give the definition of Civic Duty 

This is the responsibility to obey laws, participate in government and work for the common good. 


Give the definition of a Population Density Map

These maps show the number of people living per unit of an area (per square mile)


True or False: It is my Civic Duty to pay taxes laid out by the government 

True. They will find you if you are not paying taxes. 
