Homer + Hesiod
The Apology
The Republic
Antigone + Crito

What is valued most in the early greek society?

Individual status, it took precedence over the greater good of the community.


Ions job is .....

Rhapsode, to recite epic poems


What are the two charges against Socrates?

Impiety- not believing in the gods, and corrupting the youth. He argued that he believed in spirits (oracles) which are the children of the gods, and that he is not a sophist. 

What is the three part soul?

Gut- appetite, Heart- emotion/pride, head- reason.


What reasons did Crito have for Socrates to escape?

1). Crito will lose a friend

2). Crito will be disgraced for not helping Socrates escape

3). Escape is cheap!

4). Socrates will betray his family

5). Cowardice!

6). The Sentence is unjust


What are Achilles and Agamemnon fighting over/ really fighting over? 

A girl, honor and personal pride.


Ion recites the works of which poet?



What does the Oracle claim about Socrates and how does he react?

The Oracle claims Socrates is the wisest man in Athens. He seeks out other wise individuals and concludes that his wisdom lies in recognizing his own ignorance. He is the wisest because he is aware of his own limitations. 


What was the purpose of the myth of the metals?

Necessary to instill social order and faith and its goodness, justice is achieved when each class performs their function without interfering with others, where everyone contributes to the common good. 


How does Socrates convince Crito that he should not escape from prison?

It is never right to do wrong, or to harm one that has harmed you. One must obey the commands of one's city and country or persuade it as to the nature of justice.


T/F: Homer depicted the gods by focusing on their origins and lineage while Hesiod depicted their active roles in the lives of heroes and mortals in his epic stories. 



Rhapsodes are ____ removed from the source of the ideas.

Twice, god is the muse, the poet interprets, and rhapsode interprets the interpretation. 


Who are the Sophists and why is Socrates not one?

Sophists were teachers who traveled around, primarily focused on teaching the art of persuasion and rhetoric and got paid to do so. Their main goal was to win arguments rather than discover truth, while Socrates is considered distinct because he was not interested in winning arguments but rather in seeking true knowledge through questioning. He also refused to charge for his teachings and focusing on the pursuit of objective truth.

What is Cephalus' definition of justice in Book 1 and how does Socrates refute it.

Speaking the truth and paying your debts- doing what you need to do in order to get a good afterlife.

Refutation: Justice cannot (always) be telling the truth and repaying one's debts because sometimes its not always best to tell the truth. 


What forces drive the conflict in Antigone? 

Laws of gods/ laws of humans

Duty to family/ duty to society


Loyalty/ justice

Emotion/ reason

Women/ men

Democracy/ tyranny

Youth/ elders


The gods emerged through violent births and then became immortal, not eternal. Gaia and this god produce the titans, who later devours his children to avoid being overthrown. Zeus later forces him to regurgitate the children.



Socrates argues that Ion doesn't have knowledge, only divine inspiration because he ______.

Is a vessel for the words of the higher power, and only recites someone else's words, not writing his own. 


What role does Socrates believe he plays in the city?

He believes his role is to help people improve themselves and the city by exposing their ignorance through philosophical dialogue.


What are the “forms,” and what role do they play in Socrates’ account of knowledge and how does it differ from mere “belief”?

The "forms" are abstract, perfect, and unchanging concepts that exist in a realm beyond our physical world, representing the true essence of things like justice, beauty, or goodness; they are the key to real knowledge, distinct from mere "belief" which is based on sensory perception of imperfect physical objects.


What character was in the right? Creon or Antigone? Both or Neither?

Justify your answer. 


What does the story of Cronus trying to stop time, change and loss show us about justice and how it relates to the republic?

Order needs to be respected or else you are guilty of not respecting the balanced structure of the universe, an therefore one is not acting just when not respecting these ideals. 


Since Ion has only studied the works of Homer, Socrates claims that .... 

Ion cannot identify which are profound works and which are not because he has only been exposed to one example. Cannot be the judge of what's good vs bad poetry. Therefore cannot claim that Homer is the best. 


What is Socrates "daimon" or "divine sign" and what role does it play in his life?

An inner voice that he believed was a supernatural force that guided him and prevented him from making wrong decisions.


How does the kallipolis come apart?

The tyrant convinces the poor to rebel against the wealthy minority, and the city becomes a democracy. However, the democracy is flawed because no one is forced to serve in the military, enforce the law, or take public office. A tyrant eventually rises to power by pandering to the people, and a civil war breaks out when those who lost wealth revolt. The tyrant comes to power by presenting himself as a champion of the people against the wealthy. To gain and maintain power, the tyrant commits many acts, including falsely accusing people, killing and exiling people, and attacking his kinsmen. The tyrant also eliminates the wise, brave, and rich people in the city because he sees them as a threat to his power. 


Do you think Antigone would be allowed to be performed in the kallipolis? Why or why not?

Justify your answer.
