World Map & Directions
Causes of Exploration
Christopher Columbus
Cause & Effect
Surprise/ Challenge
These are the seven continents of the world.
What are North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and Antarctica?
Europeans wanted to find a quicker trade route with this continent so they could trade silks and spices.
What is Asia
Christopher Columbus sailed off on his first journey on August 12, of this year.
What is 1492.
Christopher Columbus believed he had landed in the Indies (Asia) so he called the native people "Indians." What is the cause?
What is "Columbus believed he had landed in the Indies"
This navigational tool was used to show which direction a sailor was sailing.
What is a compass?
These are the four major oceans of the world.
What are the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Indian & the Arctic Oceans.
This man started a school for explorers and financed map making and ship building.
Who is Prince Henry the Navigator?
Columbus believed that he had reached this continent, but he was wrong.
What is Asia (I will also accept the Indies).
Living by the water made Columbus dream of sailing one day. Name the cause and the effect.
Cause - Living by the water. Effect - Columbus dreamed of sailing.
We live on the eastern side of this continent.
What is North America.
If you travel southwest from Europe by boat you will land on this continent.
What is South America
This navigational tool used the stars and sun to help explorers find out where they were going.
What is an astrolabe?
This country ultimately agreed to finance (pay for) Columbus' voyage.
What is the country of Spain
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella financed (paid for) Columbus' voyage and as a result he landed in the New World. What is the cause. What is the effect
The cause - King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain financed Columbus' trip. The effect - Columbus landed in the New World.
Columbus found this in the new world and demanded that the native people bring him more.
What is gold.
If you travel east from North America to Europe you will cross this ocean.
What is the Atlantic.
This man's famous book of travel caused Europeans to want to learn more about the world.
Who is Marco Polo?
Columbus believed he could find a new route to Asia and the Indies by traveling in this direction.
What is west.
After Columbus' "discovery" of the New World different and new world maps were drawn that included the Americas. What is the cause? what is the effect?
The cause Columbus' discovery of the New World The effect - different maps were drawn that included the Americas.
During the age of exploration newer and bigger ships were being built. Ships for explorations that could carry LOTS of materials, supplies and people were called this.
What is cargo ships?
If you travel east from Asia you will cross the Pacific ocean and land on this continent.
What is North America.
Europeans wanted to convert people they encountered in other lands to this religion.
What is Christianity
Columbus' initial voyage from Spain used three ships named the _________, ________ & _________ .
What are the Nina, Pinta & the Santa Maria.
Columbus had a hard time finding men willing to sail with him. Sailors called the Atlantic Ocean the “Sea of Darkness.” Other people thought giant monsters lived in the oceans. Find the cause & the effect
Cause - Sailors were afraid of the Atlantic Ocean Effect - Columbus had a difficult time finding sailors.
These two continents are bordered to the west by the Atlantic Ocean.
What are Europe and Africa.