A question posed to engage the audience, often without expecting an actual response.
What is a "Rhetorical Question"?
A short personal story or narrative that illustrates a point.
What is an "Anecdote"?
Highlighting the differences between two or more ideas, concepts, or situations.
What is "Contrast"?
Appealing to the emotions of the audience to evoke sympathy, empathy, or other emotional responses.
What is "Emotional Appeal" or "Pathos?"
Exaggerating or overstating a point for emphasis or dramatic effect.
What is "Hyperbole"?
A figure of speech that describes one thing in terms of another, suggesting a similarity between the two.
What is a "Metaphor"?
Establishing the credibility, trustworthiness, and authority of the speaker or source to persuade the audience.
The deliberate use of the same word or phrase multiple times to emphasize a point or create a memorable effect.
What is "Repetition"?
Using numerical data and facts to support an argument or claim.
What is "Statistics"?
Using logical reasoning, evidence, facts, and data to support an argument or persuade the audience.
"Logical Appeal" or "(Logos)"?