Appeal to emotions
What is pathos?
The repetition of initial consonant sounds, as in 'Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers'
What is alliteration?
Direct comparison using like or as
What is Simile?
The sun was shining brightly, and the birds were singing. It was a perfect day for a picnic.
What is Imagery?
This is the stage where speaker provides credibility and a brief idea on the topic of the speech.
What is Attention?
Appeal to credibility or character
What is ethos?
Repetition of words at the beginning of successive clauses
What is anaphora?
Implied comparison without like or as
What is Metaphor?
We must all strive to be like Martin Luther King, Jr., and fight for justice and equality.
What rhetorical device is this?
What is Allusion?
This is the stage where the speaker mentions the specific action or actions they want the audience to take.
What is Action?
Appeal to logic or reason
What is Logos?
Repetition of grammatical structures or elements within sentences to create a harmonious effect.
What is parallelism?
Giving human qualities to nonhuman things
What is personification?
I remember when I was a child, I used to dream of becoming a doctor. One day, I saw a doctor help a sick child, and I knew that I wanted to do the same thing.
What is Anecdote?
This is the stage where the speaker convinces the audience there's a problem.
What is Need?
As a seasoned educator with over two decades of experience, I can confidently assert that early childhood education is crucial for a child's future development.
What is ethos?
The repetition of similar vowel sounds, as in 'how now brown cow'
What is assonance?
Compares two things in detail to explain a complex concept or idea by relating it to something more familiar.
What is Analogy?
We must be strong, we must be united, and we must never give up.
What is Rule of Three/Tricolon?
This is where the speaker identifies the solution to the problem by giving evidence, examples, or statistics.
What is Satisfaction?
Imagine a world where every child has the opportunity to learn and grow, free from the constraints of poverty and inequality.
What is Pathos?
Repetition at the of words at the end of successive clauses
What is epistrophe?
Words that imitate the sound they represent, like 'buzz' or 'hiss'
What is onomatopoeia?
The only way to defeat our enemies is to love them.
What is Paradox?
This is where the speaker encourages the audience to imagine the solution's benefits by creating a vivid picture using words.
What is Visualisation?