At the beginning of the introduction paragraph
What does a persuasive essay do?
It argues for a specific position or viewpoint.
Brainstorming your ideas on the topic. Literally, write down everything that is "storming" inside your brain as you think about your central claim.
Don't forget to...
use quotation marks! "..."
Including a counterargument is important in a persuasive essay: True or False?
Each body paragraph should be organized around one ...
one main idea
Proving my perspective in persuasive writing is important. This is done in the ____ paragragraphs.
What comes after the brainstorming process?
Creating an Outline.
What are some examples of signal phrases to include before my actual quote?
According to [Author]... [Author] asserts that ... (There are many possible signal phrases. See handout.)
The thesis of a persuasive paper is called the ...
claim or position
Where do I put the thesis of my essay?
In the introduction paragraph (toward the end of the introduction paragraph)
The conclusion should be ______
Convincing! (Try to sway others "to" your position!)
Choosing appropriate quotes to prove my position is an important part of the pre-writing process. (True or False?)
Why is it important to include quotes in a Persuasive Essay?
To help prove a position!
Why is the thesis of a paper important?
It provides a guide for the reader; tells the reader "where" the paper is going, essentially (provides a map)
What is the Basic Structure of an Essay?
Introduction Paragraph with the Thesis statement, Body Paragraphs & Conclusion Paragraph that restates the thesis
I should recognize the counterargument/opposing opinion that my audience might hold (yes or no?)
YES! For now, this can go in the introduction or conclusion paragraph. (Example: "Some may say...; however, ...")
Writing my essay is easy when I've done the pre-writing process.
Hopefully, yes!
If I use a quote from the first page of "Revenge of the Geeks," what should my citation be?
What is an example of an explanation sentence (in a quote sandwich)?"
(Various examples are possible) --> Tell us WHY the quote is important; how does it prove your claim?
The central argument is ... (also called a thesis statement)
The Claim
When writing a persuasive essay, what is the first thing I should do?
I should take a POSITION on a specific topic. Everything else will be ordered around this.
After writing my essay, I should ....
Edit it! (...but not for in-class essays)
What are the 4 parts of a Quote Sandwich?
1. Introduce it; 2. Insert the quote itself with quotation marks 3. Cite it (page #). 4. Explanation Sentence
After the citation (in a quote sandwich), I need to...
Write an explanation/interpretation sentence.