When writing persuasive essays, what should the writer avoid using?
What are personal pronouns?
T-Charts, Outlines, Frames, Web, etc.
The proper format for a short response, according to Mrs. Stromnes
Who you consider when writing your paper or who your writing "speaks to."
What is Audience?
The part of your paper that leaves a lasting impression or vivid image in the mind of the reader.
What is the conclusion?
Planning before you write.
What is Pre-Writing?
Writing is arranged in an order that makes sense to the reader, so it is....
Your ________ belief about a topic that you try to convince the reader of.
What is a claim?
The main paragraphs of your paper where you give details and examples in support of your claim.
What are Body Paragraphs?
The person writing has to state his/her _________ before he/she does anything else.
What is claim?
Parts of speech that can strengthen your writing.
What are Vivid Verbs and/or Adjectives?
The number of pieces of evidence required for an extended response.
What is 4?
When you "re-see" your paper and correct for content, add, change or move around parts of your writing.
What is Revision?
The writer has selected relevant points that they support with ___________.
What is evidence?
Using what the opposing side might say against your argument to strengthen your argument.